Vurberk Folk Pop Festival


Festival narodnozabavne glasbe Vurberk
Frequencyannual (2020 edition cancelled due to Covid-19)
Festival dates16.6.2024 - 21.6.2024

Since its founding in 1992, Vurberk Folk Pop Festival has been annually hosting select "folk-pop music" ensembles at the grounds of the Vurberk Castle (located between Maribor and Ptuj, in eastern Slovenia). It accepts only groups that feature a diatonic accordion and utilise two or more voices. Each year, it presents about a dozen ensembles that compete for various prizes – for best lyrics, best vocal performances, best overall song and a few others.

The festivals are recorded and aired by RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor, and the resulting CD is annually published by the Discography Unit, RTV Slovenia. As of recent years, there is also a pre-event, where the finalists are chosen.

See also

External links

... more about "Vurberk Folk Pop Festival"
Festival narodnozabavne glasbe Vurberk +
16.6.2012, 15.6.2013, 21.6.2014, 27.6.2015, 18.6.2016, 17.6.2017, 22.6.2018, 21.6.2019, 25.6.2021, 16.6.2023, 16.6.2024 - 21.6.2024 +
20,240,621 +
20,240,616 +
201224 +, 201324 +, 201425 +, 201526 +, 201624 +, 201724 +, 201825 +, 201925 +, 202125 +, 202324 +, 202424 +  and 202425 +
annual (2020 edition cancelled due to Covid-19) +
Festival narodnozabavne glasbe Vurberk +
SI-2241 Spodnji Duplek +
Vurberk 85 +
Since its founding in 1992, Vurberk Folk Pop Festival has been annually hosting select "folk-pop music" ensembles at the grounds of the Vurberk Castle (located between Maribor and Ptuj, in eastern Slovenia). +
Since its founding in 1992, Vurberk Folk Pop Festival has been annually hosting select "folk-pop music" ensembles at the grounds of the Vurberk Castle (located between Maribor and Ptuj, in eastern Slovenia). +
Spodnji Duplek +
SI-2241 +
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