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Looking for specific content in a hurry? Not sure about the difference between different festivals or venues? Want to look at subset of content by genre? Our TOPICS pages can help you with that!
Looking for specific content in a hurry? Not sure about the difference between different festivals or venues? Want to look at subset of content by genre? Our TOPICS pages can help you with that!
==Architecture & Design==
* [[:Category:Fabiani heritage|Fabiani Heritage]]
* [[:Category:Plečnik heritage|Plečnik Heritage]]
tu bodo različni grozdi kategorij, povezani s tekstom, imenovani TOPICS<br>
Heritage - ca 10 različnih naslovov / TOPICSOV<br><br>
==Cultural Heritage==
* ===Animation===
* 21st-Century Animation Animation
* [[:Category:Slovenia – Guest of Honour Country at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023]]
* [[:Category:Slovenia - Guest of Honour Country at the Bologna Children's Book Fair 2024]]
* [[:Category:Choral music|Choral Music]]
* [[:Category:Folk pop music|Folk Pop Music]]
==New Media Art ==
==New Media Art ==
* [[:Category:KONS Platform|konS &ndash; Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art]]
* [[:Category:New_media_art_education_and_research|New Media Art Education & Research]]
* [[:Category:New media art festivals|New Media Art Festivals]]
* [[:Category:New media art venues|New Media Art Venues]]
* 21st-Century Animation Animation
* Impro & experimentalna glasba glasba
* Gledališče gledališče
* [[:Category:Opera and music theatre|Opera and Music Theatre]]
* [[:Category:Puppetry|Puppetry]]
* [[:Category:Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ)]]
* [[:Category:Ballet|Ballet]]
* [[:Category:Contemporary dance|Contemporary Dance]]
* [[:Category:Folkoric dance|Folkoric Dance]]
==Visual Arts==
* [[:Category:Slovene Impressionists and their Time|Slovene Impressionists and their Time]]
* [[:Category:Forma_Viva_Collection]]
* [[:Category:Forma_Viva_Collection]]
* [[World War I]]
* [[:Category:Photography|Photography]]
* [[World War 2]]
Music - 6 različnih naslovov<br><br>
==Cultural Heritage==
* [[:Category:African collections|African Collections]]
Intermedia - 4 različnih naslovov<br><br>
* [[:Category:Asian collections|Asian Collections]]
* [[:Category:Industrial and technical heritage|Industrial and Technical Heritage]]
Arch + design - 2-3 različnih naslovov<br>
* [[:Category:Mercury mining heritage|Mercury Mining Heritage]]
* [[:Category:Underwater cultural heritage|Underwater Cultural Heritage]]
* [[:Category:UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Slovenia|UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Slovenia]]
* [[:Category:World_War_I|World War I]]
* [[:Category:World_War_II|World War II]]
==== Cultural Heritage ====
* Heritage Topic 1 Slovene Impressionists and their Time
* Heritage Topic 2 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 3 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 4 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 5 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 6 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 7 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 8 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 9 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 10 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 11 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 12 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 13 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 14 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 15 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 16 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 17 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 18 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 19 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 20 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 21 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 22 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 23 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 24 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 25 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 26 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 27 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 28 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 29 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 30 Muzeji
* Heritage Topic 31 Muzeji
==== Music ====
* glasba Topic 1
* glasba Topic 2
* glasba Topic 3
* glasba Topic 4
* glasba Topic 5
* glasba Topic 6
==== Dance ====
* dance Topic 1 [[:Category:Ballet|Ballet]]
* dance Topic 2 [[:Category:Contemporary dance|Contemporary dance]]
* dance Topic 3 [[:Category:Folkoric dance|Folkoric dance]]
* dance Topic 4 [[:Category:Opera and music theatre|Opera and music theatre]]
* dance Topic 5
==== Architecture & Design ====
* arh + oblikovanje    Topic 1 - grafika/tisk v Sloveniji (to sicer visual arts)
* arh + oblikovanje Topic 2 - knjižni festivali
* arh + oblikovanje Topic 3 - študentje pomagajo graditi boljši svet (arh v Afriki, sodelovanje med fakultetami v SLO?)
* arh + oblikovanje Topic 4
* intermedia Topic 1
* intermedia Topic 2
* intermedia Topic 3
* intermedia Topic 4
==Contemporary Culture==
* [[:Category:Koroška Street Phenomenon|Koroška Street Phenomenon]]
* [[:Category:Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012|Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012]]
* [[:Category:European Capital of Culture 2025 in Slovenia|Slovenian Candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2025]]
* [[:Category:Nova Gorica, European Capital of Culture 2025]]

Latest revision as of 16:35, 25 May 2023