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Latest revision as of 20:08, 16 February 2021

Audiovisual Training and Networking

Sabina Briški Karlić

The cultural and creative sectors (CCS), including film and audiovisual, have been amongst the hardest hit by the COVID-19 crisis, which has also accelerated the existing trends in AV training and capacity building. The Motovila team explored how three Creative Europe co-funded AV training programmes for project development (with important connections to Slovenia) have been dealing with the sudden changes and effects imposed by the turbulent events of 2020.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, Article, NIFERTIK, Film, EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes), Film courses, workshops and residencies, Selected, EU Creative Europe, MEDIA funding recipient, Animation, In Focus

EAVE brainstorming with Ankica Juric Tilic.jpg EAVE training events are known for their high-profile expert guests and hands-on interactive experiences such as this brainstorming session with Croatian film producer and EAVE group leader Ankica Jurić Tilić. Photo: ©Frank Schoepgens