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==== Cultural Heritage ====
==== Cultural Heritage ====
* Heritage Topic 1 Slovene Impressionists and their Time
* Heritage Topic 1 Slovene Impressionists and their Time
==== Architecture & Design ====
* arh + oblikovanje    Topic 1 - grafika/tisk v Sloveniji (to sicer visual arts)
* arh + oblikovanje Topic 2 - knjižni festivali
* arh + oblikovanje Topic 3 - študentje pomagajo graditi boljši svet (arh v Afriki, sodelovanje med fakultetami v SLO?)
* arh + oblikovanje Topic 4

Revision as of 18:36, 21 February 2021

Looking for specific content in a hurry? Not sure about the difference between different festivals or venues? Want to look at subset of content by genre? Our TOPICS pages can help you with that!

tu bodo različni grozdi kategorij, povezani s tekstom, imenovani TOPICS

Heritage - ca 10 različnih naslovov / TOPICSOV


Cultural Heritage

  • Slovene Impressionists and their Time



New Media Art



  • 21st-Century Animation Animation


  • Impro & experimentalna glasba glasba


  • Gledališče gledališče

Music - 6 različnih naslovov

Intermedia - 4 različnih naslovov

Arch + design - 2-3 različnih naslovov

Cultural Heritage

  • Heritage Topic 1 Slovene Impressionists and their Time


  • intermedia Topic 1
  • intermedia Topic 2
  • intermedia Topic 3
  • intermedia Topic 4