Jože Mazovec Library

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Knjižnica Jožeta Mazovca
Zaloška 61, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 548 4510

In 1968 the libraries of Polje and Moste were amalgamated to form Jožeta Mazovca Library. Today the latter has three branches: Nove Fužine, Nove Jarše and Zalog, all suburbs of Ljubljana. The library has a collection of 151,119 books, 186 periodicals and 10,472 multimedia items, toys and maps. The library occupies 1,310 square metres of space and offers access to a wide spectrum of literature. It has a reading room for 90 persons and 20,116 registered readers who borrow around 730,000 items each year.

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Knjižnica Jožeta Mazovca +
Knjižnica Jožeta Mazovca +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Zaloška 61 +
In 1968 the libraries of Polje and Moste were amalgamated to form Jožeta Mazovca Library. +
In 1968 the libraries of Polje and Moste were amalgamated to form Jožeta Mazovca Library. +
+386 / 1 548 4510 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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