User talk:Admin



I found this message on a link to today: "Zaradi inšpekcijskega postopka informacijske pooblaščenke vsebine vezane na območje Republike Slovenije niso dostopne. Razlog inšpekcije je zaradi objavljanja multimedijskih vsebin (slika, video in seveda prostorske slike), v katerih se lahko osebe ali njihova lastnina prepoznajo, to pa je v Republiki Sloveniji sporno. Geografsko poglavje je obsegalo preko 10.000 geografskih lokacij, ki so pokrivale celotno ozemlje Slovenije, vključno z gorami, jamami in »nekoristnim svetom«.

After the 15 years of the internet presence, the geographic sector "Slovenia" was removed due the inspection of Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia. The reason is that NO multimedia, like video, still picutres or VR panoramas where people or their propety can be recognised is not alowed on the teritory of Slovenia... "

Do you know anything about this? --Jana Wilcoxen 09:02, 9 July 2011 (CEST)

Kaže, da je primer Burger zapadel v isti koš z Google Street View. (Novica + link na uradno obrazložitevna koncu članka. Več o tem piše tudi v članku v Delu). --Admin 09:34, 9 July 2011 (CEST)

previous notes

  • Alenka, just to let you know that I fixed the inconsistencies in the timeline. --Jana Wilcoxen 12:07, 22 June 2011 (CEST)
  • Alenka, can you have a look here, please ... regarding ZKD, etc. --Jana Wilcoxen 12:37, 20 June 2011 (CEST)

sure...OK. yes...we are in the groove! :) --Jana Wilcoxen 17:23, 10 December 2010 (CET)

frequency terms

was answering a question for živa and noticed your conversation about biennially and biannually. twice per year and three times per year (to answer her question about triennially = every 3 years) are maybe less likely to cause confusion. We could also say 2x/year or 3x/year ... maybe even better for mixed-ability readers. What do you think? --Jana Wilcoxen 12:49, 24 June 2010 (CEST)
I agree! bienale, trienale = quite common, the same in English I suppose, but for the irregular frequencies during the period of 1 year this short version would be much easier to grasp. Will you include this in your INFOBOX notes? I am consulting those quite frequently. --Admin 12:58, 24 June 2010 (CEST)


Hi Alenka, I checked out the Baraga Homestead article and it seemed to me that "non-European collection" is appropriate. Check out my discussion though. --Jana Wilcoxen 13:26, 14 May 2010 (CEST)

En Knap Productions

Zdravo! Popisujem fotografije in pri filmskih produkcijah skupine En Knap (avtor Žiga Koritnik), sem se znašla v dilemi. Ali na mesto avtorja napisem ime reziserja (kot smo naredile pri SMG) ali En-Knap Productions? Prav tako nisem bila sigurna kar se tiče lokacije. Sem pobrala informacijo iz enega od člankov, ki ste ga v zvezi z predstavo že objavili. Boš preverila, če se ti zdi tako ok, ali karkoli popravim? Hvala in lep pozdrav, Lidija.--SPP 19:18, 28 April 2010 (CEST)

edit conflict??

hey! you overrode my edits! check out the discussion. looks like we were both working on the text at the same time. --Jana Wilcoxen 16:20, 21 April 2010 (CEST)

oh, so sorry, i hope i didn't cause too much rework... the article was in the ROBOT status so i had to work on it a bit (also Trebnje Municipal Brass Orchestra and Fabula Festival of Stories). it seems ok now, thanks. --Admin 21:19, 21 April 2010 (CEST)
  • halo Alenka, looks we were both editing the same article Lace Festival simultaneously. Can you just double check the current version. hvaaalaaa! --Jana Wilcoxen 12:42, 16 June 2010 (CEST)


hello, here's the beginning of the texts for contributors. User_talk:Jwilcoxen#Notes_for_contribute_page --Jana Wilcoxen 17:56, 30 March 2010 (CEST)

Types of heritage

Here's some classifications that I've just read on Jani's TNP article:

  • secular architectural heritage
  • memorial heritage
  • settlement heritage
  • religious architectural heritage
  • archaeological heritage

--Jana Wilcoxen 17:32, 22 March 2010 (CET)

Architecture lists & Design lists

Sem "pokategorizirala" prvi dve področji, Arhitektura, Design, tako da spiski približno štimajo in se vsi nekje razvrstijo ... prosila sem Tejo, da gre skoz, prečekira, če koga pogreša, sporoči, da ga bomo kategorizirali ali celo naredi nov članek. Tudi ti prosim preleti, ko čas. Ti spiski bodo, ko odpremo portal, najbolj pod udarom ... po njih se bodo pasli, tako da je fino, da protagonisti ne manjkajo - in da se naši sami sprehodijo čeznje! Jutri, Danes bom obdelala naslednja dva - literatura, film. --Editor 01:03, 5 March 2010 (CET)

Vprašanja, ki so me begala: ali je kategorija Architecture support services potrebna, če imamo na spisku tudi, Arch web resources? Najprej sem mislila, da bi morale biti kategorije Fashion design studios... pa potem videla, da ne: VSI so v Design studios, nato pa se pod Graphic design, Fashion design, etc. razporedijo v predale... Posters sem zaenkrat pustila, to je kategorija, ki jo naredil Ziga, za slike, zakaj ne bi bila zraven na spisku... --Editor 10:41, 5 March 2010 (CET)

Festival categories

Alo, že pred nekaj časa, ko sem urejala festivale, sem opazila, da se - ko klikneš na Festivals - eni festivali ne zvrstijo - to so festivali, ki so ali regionalni-lokalni, etc, zato sem začasno dala kategorijo Regional festivals - nato pa pozabila s tabo to prediskutirat, prosim poglej tole: Ni dovolj, če so potagani le kot Festivals, ker se v spiskih ne uvrstijo nikjer, so pa kar zanimivi kot "living heritage":) --Editor 21:11, 3 March 2010 (CET)

Ups, prav danes sem par teh 'regional' odstranila. kurentovanje in mardigrass se uvrstita v seznam na dnu, kar se mi zdi cisto okej. 'regional' ni najbolj točno. si bo treba kaj drugega izmislit. gre za interdisciplinarnost in živo dediščino? --Admin 21:53, 3 March 2010 (CET)
Se strinjam, da niso niti regionalni niti lokalni, morda Traditional, Customs, ja, evo, to je živa dediščina, haha... za vsak pisker obstaja pokrov, v vsak predal pade nekaj za pod zob:) bova to naslednjič, skupaj, pa je! --Editor 00:54, 5 March 2010 (CET)


Jana replies: Festivals and Awards should be capitalized but not italicized. Sorry for my lapsus. Jana Wilcoxen 18:42, 11 February 2010 (CET)

One more thing, the names of the exhibitions or themes of festivals should be italicized, however. For instance, I have left Days of Oris without, but Ljubljana Days of Oris and Portugal Days of Oris in italics, since they are themed events, so to speak. Another example: the 52nd Venice Biennial and its theme: Think with the Senses – Feel with the Mind. Art in the Present Tense. Jana Wilcoxen 18:58, 11 February 2010 (CET)

Hi Alenka, can you please have a look at Archives Journal. It seems that my editing was undone. Not sure why. Maybe you "undid" an earlier version than you wanted? Please advise. Thanks. Jana Wilcoxen 23:47, 12 February 2010 (CET)

Jana, this is really strange. I don't remember replacing journal with 'serial' etc. but i do remember working on the infobox. I might have ran over an older version. I have tried to fix it but am not sure if it is ok now. If not, please, find your final version and save the article as it was and I'll be more careful this time. Sorry, still can't figure out what went wrong. I have noticed that it has dissapeared from the Limbo list as well. --Admin 22:22, 13 February 2010 (CET)


checkout what happens when you press it! :) Jana Wilcoxen 02:56, 27 January 2010 (CET)


Pri prispevkih Plečnik Award in Plečnik Fund zbrisala ROBOT, da se ne bi spremembe (established + Živin infobox) prepisale... da pa ne bo med "mojimi zadolžitvami" (in ker opažam, da menjaš skrbnike), me zanima, ali status premaknem nazaj v ROBOT ali naj kar ostane WRITING in se raje za skrbnika zapiše Architecture and design maintainer? - Tea Pristolič 20:08, 4 May 2010 (CEST)


Ne znajdem se najbolje, kako v Asobi prispevku povezati Miho Turšiča z Delak Institute / Noordung Cosmokinetic Cabinet / Projekt Atol Institute... oz. kako so te organizacije med sabo povezane (in kam dejansko spada Slovene Space Agency in Constitution). Najbrž bi bilo fajn ta sodelovanja in prepletanja nalepiti v 'See also', vendar jih ne znam smiselno vstaviti v tekst. Ali se pač naj kasneje doda pri Miha Turšič?- Tea Pristolič 01:47, 17 May 2010 (CEST)

Festivali za sfiltrirat

Na User:Zocky/FestivalData. Zocky 16:58, 17 August 2011 (CEST)