


Work in 2020

Current list of articles to proofread

Current list of articles that need photo

To proofread Category:National cultural institutions

National Museum of Contemporary History, National Museum of Slovenia, Slovene Museum of Christianity, Slovene Philharmonic, Slovenian Museum of Natural History

To proofread Category:Updated_2020

Miško Kranjec Homestead, National Museum of Contemporary History, Rifnik Archaeological Site, Soklič Collection

To proofread Category:Updated_2019

To proofread Category:Updated_2018

Ptuj Centre for Cultural Activities (CID Ptuj), Society of Slovene Composers

To proofread Category:Updated_2017

Koroška Regional Museum

Koroška Regional Museum

To proofread Category:Updated_2016


to do


  1. Bela_krajina_Museum,_Metlika

+ ostali Anžetovi FILM

  1. Art kino Odeon Izola

Progress control

Proofread (recently)

  1. Jaka Babnik
  2. Glej Theatre
  3. Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA)
  4. Centre for Creativity ‎
  5. Gallina Vocal Group
  6. Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival
  7. Ana Monró Theatre
  8. Borštnik Ring Award and Borštnik Awards
  9. Bunker Institute --> to discuss
  10. Ksenija Hribar Award
  11. KUD Samosvoj Cultural Association
  12. AS Gallery
  13. Adriatic Slovenica Collection
  14. DUM Association of Artists
  15. Kodeljevo Castle
  16. Laško Museum
  17. Ljutomer Trotter Museum
  18. Nova revija Journal --> depo
  19. Blue Bird Award
  20. Živa Award
  21. Public Institute Ribnica Handicraft Centre
  22. Ribnica Castle
  23. Via Negativa
  24. Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia San Sebastián
  25. Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Sevilla
  26. Slovenian Animated Film Association
  27. Slovenian Theatre Institute
  28. Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Madrid
  29. I.D.I.O.T Group
  30. Depot:Festival of Independent Film and Video --> depo
  31. Kolektiv Narobov
  32. Linhart Encounter
  33. Tinta Festival
  34. Cankarjev dom, Theatre & Dance Programme
  35. Contemporary Dance Association Slovenia
  36. Dance Theatre Ljubljana
  37. Delak Institute
  38. Association Nagib
  39. Astrum Music Publications
  40. Asylum Studio
  41. Koper Theatre
  42. Performa Festival
  43. Intimate Stage, GT22
  44. Moment Arts and Culture Association
  45. Ukrep - Festival of Dance Perspectives
  46. Alma Karlin Memorial House
  47. Cukrarna Palace
  48. Fotopub Festival
  49. Grand Hotel Union Hall
  50. House of Tolerance Festival
  51. Ravne Gallery
  52. Art Factory Majšperk
  53. Kostel Castle
  54. Sevnica Castle
  55. Category:Ukraine
  56. Ljubljanica River Exhibition
  57. Borghesia
  58. Academy of Music
  59. BOFF Bovec Outdoor Film Festival
  60. BUMfest International Percussion Festival
  61. Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre + changed the word "bellow" to "below" in 12 articles/photos
  62. Glitterbeat Records
  63. Švicarija Art Centre
  64. Look Back and Laugh
  65. Mardi Gras at Cerknica
  66. Photography Museum Maribor
  67. STVAR architects
  68. Tomaž Šalamun Poetry Centre
  69. Prehistoric Pile Dwellings in the Ljubljansko Barje
  70. Poligon Creative Centre
  71. Slovene Writers' Association Residency Programme
  72. Slovene Puppetry Biennial
  73. Slovene Puppetry Biennial Prizes
  74. Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone
  75. Visit Ljubljana - official website of the Tourist Destination of Ljubljana
  76. Jewish Cultural Centre
  77. KUDUS Association
  78. Maribor Conservatory of Music and Ballet
  79. Franciscan Monastery Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica
  80. FO.VI Gallery
  81. Indigo Festival
  82. Centre of Slavic Cultures France Prešeren - could use restructuring
  83. Emona Promenade Festival
  84. Goga Literary Residency


  1. Loka Museum, Škofja Loka
  2. Temporary Slovene Dance Archive
  4. FAK Festival of Alternative Culture
  5. House of Children and Arts
  6. Žiče Charterhouse
  7. House of Architecture Maribor
  8. Music of the World Festival, Kromberk
  9. Kranjska Gora International Film Fest
  10. Notranjska Museum Postojna
  11. Zala Publishing
  12. Gallery K18
  13. Nativity Museum Brezje
  14. EPEKA Gallery
  15. Depot:Ambasada Gavioli
  16. Minorite Church, Maribor
  17. Goethe-Institut Ljubljana

2019 - Film articles

  1. Kurja polt Genre Film Festival
  2. Eye on Film Festival
  3. FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival
  4. Film Mixer Independent Film Festival
  5. Festival of European and Mediterranean Film
  6. KOFF Koroška Outdoor Film Festival
  7. Ljubljana International Short Film Festival
  8. DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival
  9. Felina Films
  10. Film Factory
  11. Kraken Film Society
  12. Enimation, International Children and Youth Film Festival
  13. Minoriti Open Air Cinema
  14. FilmIT Production House
  15. Mad About Film
  16. Vizo
  17. Nosorogi
  18. Petra Pan Film Production
  19. Ptuj City Cinema
  20. Studio Virc
  21. Tramal Films needs new teaser - fix details about musical
  22. Cvinger Film
  23. Fatamorgana
  24. Iris Award
  25. Tramal Films
  26. Astral Film
  27. Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival
  28. Kino Bežigrad

To proofread (DONE writing) Admin

ARNES, Academic and Research Network of Slovenia, Bloke Skier Museum, Brežice Castle, Celje Castle, Celje Museum of Recent History, Celje Regional Museum, Ceramics Artists and Pottery Makers Association, City Museum of Ljubljana, Computer History Museum Slovenia, Dolenjska Museum Novo mesto, Evrocorpus, France Stele Institute of Art History Library, Gorenjska Museum, Goriška Museum, Heritology Doctoral Programme, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Hrastnik Museum, Idrija Municipal Museum, Inter-kulturo Ltd, International Triennial Ecology and Art, Ive Šubic Colony, Škofja Loka, Izlake–Zagorje Art Colony, Kamnik Intermunicipal Museum, Keria, Studia Latina et Graeca Journal, Koroška Regional Museum, Kozjanski Park Public Institute, Kočevje Regional Museum, Legal Information Centre Maribor (PIP Maribor), Legal Information Centre for NGOs (LIC), Lipizzaner Museum Lipikum, Ljuba Prenner Memorial Room, Mengeš Museum, Military Museum of Slovenian Armed Forces, Mining Museum Zagorje, Miško Kranjec Homestead, Mladina Magazine, Murko Award, Museum of Underwater Activities Piran, Museum of the Posavje Region, Brežice, Museum on the Border, National Museum of Contemporary History, National Museum of Slovenia, Peter Dajnko Homestead, Podsreda Castle, Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota, Primorske novice,, Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum, Research Institute of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Rifnik Archaeological Site, Slovene Ethnological Society, Slovene Museum of Christianity, Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Soklič Collection, The History and Development of the Museum Sector, Town Museum of Litija, Tržič Museum, Upper Sava Valley Museum, Jesenice, Videofestival Natures, Vrhnika Cultural Centre, Web Museum, Šentjakob Theatre

To proofread (DONE writing) Ajda Kocutar

To proofread (DONE writing) Andreja

To proofread (DONE writing) Anja Mrak

Jože Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, University of Ljubljana, Kresnik Award, Rokus Klett Publishing House, University of Nova Gorica Library

To proofread (DONE writing) Anže Zorman

Borut Kržišnik Symphonic Orchestra, Matrix Music, Studio Jork

Borut Kržišnik Symphonic OrchestraSI-1000 Ljubljana
Matrix MusicSI-1000 Ljubljana
Studio JorkSI-6271 Dekani

To proofread (DONE writing) Danaja Grešak

GIG Music Agency, Iamdisease

To proofread (DONE writing) Dare Pejić

Acerbic distribution, Anthropological Notebooks, Birthplace of Janez Jalen, Department of Restoration, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Fabula Film Production, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Filofest International Student Film and Video Festival, Historical Society of Celje, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Javnost - The Public Journal, Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Peace Institute Library, RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor, RTV Slovenia Studio 22, Maribor, Radio Capodistria, Radio Slovenia, Research Centre for Humanities, Sinhro Studio 100,, Slavia Centralis Journal, Slovene Ethnological Society Bulletin, Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund, Slovene Publishers Society, Slovene Science Foundation, Studia Mythologica Slavica, Televizija Slovenija, University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana, Šolsko polje (School Field Journal)

To proofread (DONE writing) Denis

To proofread (DONE writing) Editor

MMC Pulsar Multimedia Centre

To proofread (DONE writing) Eva Lučka

Department of Painting, Sculpture and Restoration Library, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kolektiva Institute

To proofread (DONE writing) Goran Kompoš

To proofread (DONE writing) Ičo

Zlatko Kaučič Kombo

To proofread (DONE writing) Jani

Castles of Slovenia -, Trubarjevi kraji Public Institute

To proofread (DONE writing) Janez

Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica, Historical Archives Ljubljana: Dolenjska and Bela Krajina Unit, Novo mesto, Historical Archives Ljubljana: Gorenjska Unit, Kranj, Historical Society of Southern Primorska, Koper, Jesuit Archives, Ljubljana, Shoemaker's Museum, Turnišče, Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia

To proofread (DONE writing) Katja

Dejmo Stisnt Theatre

To proofread (DONE writing) Maia Golobič

Radovljica Early Music Society

To proofread (DONE writing) Maja

To proofread (DONE writing) markob

To proofread (DONE writing) Miha

To proofread (DONE writing)Michael Jumic

To proofread (DONE writing) Nataša Kocjančič

Cantemus Kamnik Mixed Choir, Discography Unit, RTV Slovenia, Ipavska Chamber Choir, Music Production Unit, RTV Slovenia, Obala Koper Mixed Choir, Studio Tivoli Productions, Union of Primorska Music Schools

To proofread (DONE writing) Nataša Velikonja

To proofread (DONE writing) Nina

Brumen Foundation, Designers Society of Slovenia (DOS), Gigodesign, Grupa Ee, KAPA Audio Studio, Kabinet 01, Poper Studio, Starck with Riko, Studio Mitja Miklavčič, Universal Studio of Street Arts, Urbas&Urbas Creative Group, V.O.O.D.O.O., VBG Studio, ZEK Crew

To proofread (DONE writing) Simon Žlahtič

To proofread (DONE writing) Simon Smole

Beletrina Publishing Institute, CEI Fellowship for Writers in Residence, Cankarjeva Publishing House, Celje Youth Centre, Cona Institute, Corridor, Crossroads of Arts, - Digital Library of Slovenia, DZS, Days of Poetry and Wine Festival, Didakta Publishing House, Divja misel Institute, Galerija Fotografija, Golden Coin of Poetry, House of Poetry Literature Association, Institute for innovative arts research IRIU, Integrali Cultural Association, International PEN Writers' Meeting, Bled, KIBLA Multimedia Centre, KUD AAC Zrakogled, KUD Kentaver, KUD Pranger Cultural Association, KUD Vilenica Art Society, Kapelica Gallery, Kapsula Gallery, KiBela Art Space, LUD Literatura, Lesbian Feminist University (LFU),, Academic Book Fair, Likovni salon Celje, Litera Publishing House, Literary Association IA, Litterae slovenicae, Living Literature Festival,, MOVIT, Institute for Development of Youth Mobility, Miš Publishing House, Mladika Publishing House, Moderna galerija (MG), Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (MSUM), Myra Locatelli Cultural Association, Nova revija Institute, Photon Gallery, Pionirska - Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship, Piran City Gallery, Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association, Pranger Festival, Playwright's Resource, Primerjalna književnost (Comparative Literature), Pripovedovalski variete Cultural Association, Prostor Gallery, Publishing Academy, Račka Gallery of Erotic Art, Riko Debenjak Gallery, STA Misli website, Sanje ('Dreams') Festival, Sanje ('Dreams') Publishing House, Sanje Bookshop, Sculpture Institute, Simulaker Gallery, Slavic Society of Slovenia, Slavistična revija, Steklenik Gallery, Stripartnica Buch, Tobačna 001 Cultural Centre, Translation Pranger Festival, Trubar Foundation, Trubar Literature House, Tuma Publishing House, UGM Studio, Valentin Vodnik Support Programme for Publishers, Velenje Literary Foundation, Vilenica International Literary Award, Vilenica International Literary Festival, Vodnik Homestead, World Literatures - Fabula Festival, Založba /*cf, ŠKUC Association, ŠKUC Info Centre, Škuc Gallery

To proofread (DONE writing) Tea

Faculty of Architecture Library, University of Ljubljana, Memefest Awards, Novi kolektivizem (NK)

To proofread (DONE writing)Tonko Sekulo

Bled Festival Hall, Culture Association BSA, Domžale Youth Centre, European Young Organists Competition, Glasbena matica Ljubljana, Gustaf Hall, Pekarna, Hugo Wolf Association, Hugo Wolf's Jubilee Year 2020, Institute of Musicology, International Choral Competition Gallus, International Competition of Brass Orchestras, Izola Cultural Centre, Lendava Synagogue, Lendava-Lendva Cultural Centre, Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory, Ljubljana Musical Youth, LokalPatriot Institute, Marjan Kozina Music Conservatory, Multimedia Institute and Academy, Narodni dom Mežica, Naša pesem Choir Competition, Postojna Culture House, Postojna Youth Centre, Ptuj Centre for Cultural Activities (CID Ptuj), RTV Slovenia Big Band, RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, RTV Slovenia Youth Choir, SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra, Saxophone Music Association, Slovene Music Artists Association, Slovene Musicological Society, Slovene Philharmonic, Slovene Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra, Slovene Young Musicians Competition, Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre, Slovenj Gradec Culture House, Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers for Copyright Protection in Slovenia (SAZAS Society), Society of Slovene Composers, Spectrum Festival, Sports Park Stožice, Velenje Culture House, Španski borci Culture Centre

To proofread (DONE writing) Žiga



Academy of Music, Aksioma Institute, Aksioma Project Space, Ambasada Gavioli, Ambasada ŠKM Beltinci, Art Center Prosenjakovci, Astrum Music Publications, Avsenik Ensemble, Avsenik Festival, BUMfest International Percussion Festival,, BioTehna, Blind Date Convention, Festival of the Artist’s Book, Bohinj Summer Music Festival, Borghesia, Brda Contemporary Music Festival, Breka Fest, Carmina Slovenica, Celinka Agency, Centralna postaja, Centralna postaja Ljubljana, Cirkus Club, Cvetličarna, DB Recordings, Dallas Records, Deuje babe Festival, Dom svobode, Dreamwalk, Dubzilla, EarZoom Sonic Arts Festival, EtnoRock Festival, Evroterm, FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival, Festival of Slovenian Jazz, Film Theatre Idrija, FilmIT Production House, Forma Viva Open Air Steel Sculpture Collection, Ravne na Koroškem, Galerija BOKS Society, GalerijaGallery, Godibodi Institute, Hala Tivoli, House of Architecture, I.D.I.O.T Magazine, Ichisan & Nakova, Imago Sloveniae, Independent Biennial, International Music Festival Imago Slovenia, Jalla Jalla, Jardier, Jazz Ethno Funky Festival, Jazz Kamp Kranj, Joker Magazine, KIBLA Portal, KID PiNA, Karmakoma, Karst Research Institute, Kino Bežigrad, Klub Baza Ajdovščina, Klub Metulj, Klub eMCe plac, Koala Voice, Kramp Fest, Križanke International Art Colony, Krško Culture House, Krško Gallery, Kunigunda Festival of Young Cultures, Layer House, LeeLooJamais, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Look Back and Laugh, L’ Innomable Records, MC Podlaga, MENT Ljubljana, MKC Slovenj Gradec Youth Culture Centre, Mad About Film, Maks Fabiani Foundation, Mardi Gras at Cerknica, MareziJazz, Maribum Afriqui Festival, Marko Hatlak Band, Mediadom Pyrhani, Melodies of the Sea and Sun, Memefest - International Festival of Radical Communication and Art, Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone, Minorite Church, Maribor, Mladifest, Monfort Exhibition Space, Mostovna Cultural Centre, Museum of Ribnica, Nights in Old Ljubljana Town, Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, Nosorogi, October Jazz, Okarina Festival Bled, One Music Salon, One Music Society, Orlek, Orto Fest, Outsider, O•zvočenje Festival, PIFcamp, Panč Festival, Park of Military History Pivka, Perfo Production, Petra Pan Film Production, Piran Musical Evenings, Pisana Loka Festival, Poligon Creative Centre, Pomurje Summer Festival, Portorož Auditorium, Prehistoric Pile Dwellings in the Ljubljansko Barje, Primorska Summer Festival, Primorska Summer Festival Association, Prismojeni Profesorji Bluesa, Pritličje, Prulček, Ptuj City Cinema, Ptuj Festival, Public Institute Ribnica Handicraft Centre, PureH, RTV Slovenia Archives and Documentation Service, Rad bi bil normalen Festival, Rampa Lab, Rdeči revirji! - Red Beats! Festival, Ribnica Castle, RogLab, Salon of Applied Arts,, Slovenian Polka and Waltz Festival, Society for Textile and Fashion Design (SOTO), Sploh Institute, Srečna mladina, Stiropor Festival, Studio Virc, Studio at the Border, SubArt Festival, Summer in Velenje Festival, TIR - Mostovna Gallery, Tartini Theatre, The Last Contemporary Art Museum, Torul, Trainstation Squat, Tramal Films, Unterhund, Urbano Dejanje, Vetrinjski dvor, Visit Ljubljana - official website of the Tourist Destination of Ljubljana, Vizo, Vurberk Folk Pop Festival, Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation, ŠKUC-LL, ŠMOCL, Števerjan Festival, Šum Magazine, Švicarija Art Centre


0.1 Institute, 2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling, 4th Dritl Virtual Museum, A.V.A. Institute, Academy of Visual Arts, A.biro, AKSL Arhitekti, ARK - Institute for Architecture and Culture, ARK Arhitektura Krušec, AS Gallery, ATELIERarhitekti, About Slovenia, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Academy of Music, Admission Free Festival, Adriatic Slovenica Collection, Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia, Aksioma Institute, Aksioma Project Space, Alga Gallery, All Strings Detached, Alma Karlin Memorial House, Ambasada Gavioli, Ambasada ŠKM Beltinci, American Slovenian Education Foundation, Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival, Ana Monró Theatre, Ana's Festival Rogaška Slatina, Animateka International Animated Film Festival, Anselma, Anthropos Journal, Antika Antiquariat and Bookshop, Celje, Anton Podbevšek Theatre, Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association, Apokalipsa Magazine, Archipelag-Archipelago Festival, Nova Gorica and Gorizia, Architects' Society of Dolenjska Region and Bela Krajina, Architects' Society of Ljubljana (DAL), Architectural Gallery DESSA, Architectural Guide, Arhitektura, Office for Urbanism and Architecture, Arrea Architecture, Arsem Agency, Arsmedia, Art Center Prosenjakovci, Art Chronicle Bulletin, Art Factory Majšperk, Association Nagib, Association of Ballet Artists of Slovenia, Association of Puppeteers, Association of Slovene Music Schools, Association of Slovene Restorers, Astral Film, Astrum Music Publications, Audiovisual Training and Networking, Avla NLB Gallery, Ljubljana, Avsenik Ensemble, Avsenik Festival, Azil Bookshop, Ažbe Gallery, BOFF Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, BRUTO - Landscape Architecture and Design Studio, BUMfest International Percussion Festival, Bela krajina Museum, Metlika, Beletrina Bookshop, Benedetti Life, Beseda Text Corpus, Best Book Design Award, Best First Book Award, Beton Ltd., Bevk Perović Arhitekti, Bežigrajska galerija, Bi Flamenko International Flamenco Festival,, Biennial of Design (BIO), Biennial of Slovene Book Illustration, Biennial of Textile Art BIEN, Big Architecture Festival, BigSEE Awards, Bindweed Soundvision, BioTehna, Birthplace of Rudolf Maister, Blind Date Convention, Festival of the Artist’s Book, Bliž, Blue Bird Award, Bohinc Studio, Bohinj Summer Music Festival, Books in the Time of Corona, Borec Journal, Borghesia, Borštnik Ring Award and Borštnik Awards, Brda Contemporary Music Festival, Breka Fest, British Council Slovenia, Bufeto Institute, Bukla Magazine, Bunker Institute, COBISS - Slovene Virtual Library, COLIB - Slovene libraries database, Cankarjev dom Small Gallery, Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre, Cankarjev dom, Film Programme, Cankarjev dom, Music Programme, Cankarjev dom, Theatre & Dance Programme, Carinarnica, Carmina Slovenica, Carnaval, Carnica Institute for Culture and Tourism, Casablanca Productions, Cekin Mansion, Celinka Agency, Center for Architecture Slovenia, Center of Contemporary Dance Arts, Center of Illustration,, Centralna postaja, Centralna postaja Ljubljana, Centre for Creativity, Centre for Karst Architecture, Centre for Slovenian Literature, Centre for Slovenian Literature Website, Centre for Sonorous Arts, Centre of Slavic Cultures France Prešeren, Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia (ZAPS), Church of St George in Legen, Cirkus Club, City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture, City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts, Cliché, Come autumn the festival fever subsides, Commission for Music and Ballet Competitions (TEMSIG), Consulate General of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Consulate General of Nepal, Consulate General of Sweden in Slovenia, Consulate General of the Republic of Hungary in Lendava-Lendva, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia Durbanville, Cape Town, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia New York, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Balzan, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Trst/Trieste, Consulate of Iceland in Slovenia, Consulate of Malaysia in Slovenia, Consulate of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay in Slovenia, Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Consulate of the Republic of Angola in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Paraguay, Consulate of the Republic of Peru, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Breukelen, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Hong Kong, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Las Palmas, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Reykjavίk, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in San Sebastián, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Sevilla, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Shanghai, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Tallinn, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Thessaloniki, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Vilnius, Consulate of the Republic of South Africa in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Slovenia, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Ilirska Bistrica, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Jesenice, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Kranj, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Solkan, Consulate of the United Mexican States in Slovenia, Continuation and Diversion Contemporary Architecture in Slovenia, CoolTours no 1, CoolTours no 2, CtrlArt Studio, Cukrarna Gallery, Cukrarna Palace, Cultural Bazaar, Cultural Centre Maribor, Culture Online Beyond Commercial Algorithms, Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, Culture nation and metadata,, Cvetličarna, DANS Arhitekti, DB Recordings, DESSA Architecture Centre, Dallas Records, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Days of Comedy, Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti, Delak Institute, Department for Cultural and Scientific Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Department of Art History Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Department of Design Library, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Design, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of English, University of Ljubljana, Department of Geography Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Geography, University of Ljubljana, Department of Painting, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Desetnica Award, Deuje babe Festival, Devetka, Dialogi Journal, Diocesan Archives of Maribor, Disdrug This Fuck, Dobrovo Castle, DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival, Dom svobode, Domžale Gallery, Draž Knitwear Studio, Dreamwalk, Drops festival, Druga godba Festival, Druga godba Ljubljana, Drugajanje Festival, Društvo 2000, Dubzilla, EPeKa Scientific and Research Association, EU funding for culture 4 observations from Slovenia, EarZoom Sonic Arts Festival, Ebesede Publishing House, Educational Research Institute (ERI) Digital Library, Egon March Institute, Elan Alpine Skiing Museum, Elastik Architecture, Emanat Institute, Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ankara, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Madrid, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ottawa, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Podgorica, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Prague, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Priština, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sarajevo, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Seoul, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sofia, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in The Hague, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tokyo, EnaBanda Association, Enota Architects, Etc magazine, EtnoRock Festival, European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF), Slovenia, Evroterm, Exodos Institute, Experimental Theatre in the 1950s and 1960s, Explore the experienced EU funded cultural organisations from Slovenia 2002-2013, FDV Art Gallery, FO.VI Gallery, Faculty of Arts Bookshop, Faculty of Design, Faculty of Education Gallery, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival, Federacija Institute, Felina Films, Festival of Independent Film and Video, Festival of Migrant Film, Festival of Slovenian Jazz, Fields of Experimental Music in Slovenia, Film Factory, Film Theatre Idrija, FilmIT Production House, Filmostovje Production Company, Filozofski vestnik (Acta philosophica), Floating Castle Festival, Forma Viva Open Air Steel Sculpture Collection, Ravne na Koroškem, Fotopub Festival, France Stele Institute of Art History, Franciscan Monastery Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica, Friderik Irenej Baraga Institute, Fulbright Program, GO2025 The City Yet to Become, GT22, Galerija BOKS Society, GalerijaGallery, Gallery 14, Gallery K18, Gallina Vocal Group, Getting a clearer picture and a better sound, Glasbe sveta, Glasna Magazine, Gledga Magazine, Godibodi Institute, Golden Drum Award, Golden Pear Label, Golden Pencil Award, Gorenjski glas, Goriška Museum Library, Government of the Republic of Slovenia Scholarships, Gracious Comedy Awards, Grand Hotel Union Hall, Gregor Podnar Gallery, Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival, Grün-Filipič Award,, Hala Tivoli, Harmonia Antiqua Labacensis Institute, Heritage Information and Documentation Centre, Ministry of Culture, Hest 35 Gallery, Ljubljana, Hest Gallery, Ljubljana, Hest Gallery, Maribor, Hinko Smrekar our contemporary, Hiše Magazine, House of Architecture, House of Architecture Maribor, House of Children and Arts, House of Tolerance Festival, Human1st, Hyperion Book Series, I.D.I.O.T Magazine, ICOM Slovenia Award, IMPRO Association for Culture and Education, Ichisan & Nakova, IlovarStritar, Imaginarni Institute, Imago Sloveniae, Independent Biennial, Indigo Festival, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Institute for Mediterranean Heritage, SRC Koper, Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies, Institute of Archaeology, Institute of Information Sciences (IZUM), Institute of Information Sciences (IZUM) Library, Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, Insula Gallery, International Amateur Theatre Association (AITA/IATA), Slovenia, International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ), Slovenia, International Center for Puppetry Arts Koper, International Cooperation and EU Office, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), Slovenia, International Council of Museums (ICOM), Slovenia, International Festival of Creativity Golden Drum, International Folkore Festival, Beltinci, International Music Festival Imago Slovenia, International Summer School of Museology, International Union of the Marionette (UNIMA), Slovenia, Intimate Cinema, GT22, Intimate Stage, GT22, Iridium Film, Iris Award, Irwin, Ivan Rakovec Institute of Palaeontology, Ivan Tavčar Public Library, Škofja Loka, Jablje Castle, Jakopič Gallery, Jalla Jalla, Jana Zemljarič Miklavčič Scholarship Trust, Janez Trdina Cultural Centre, Novo mesto, Janez Vajkard Valvasor Foundation, Jardier, Javeršek Homestead, Jazz Ethno Funky Festival, Jazz Kamp Kranj, Jazzinty, Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI), Slovenia, Jewish Cultural Centre Ljubljana, Jezik in slovstvo Journal, Joker Magazine, Jože Lacko Memorial Room, Ptuj, Jurij Slatkonja Music Conservatory, KD Čedermac Cultural Association, KIBLA Portal, KID PiNA, KMŠ Publishing House, KOFF Koroška Outdoor Film Festival, KUDUS Association, Kajža, Kamizdat, Kamnik Culture House, Karmakoma, Karst Research Institute, Kaverljag Summer Workshops, Kerozin Production Studio, Kino Bežigrad, Kino Pivka, Klub Baza Ajdovščina, Klub Metulj, Klub eMCe plac, Koala Voice, Kodeljevo Castle, Kofein, Kombinat Architects, Koper Regional Museum, Kostel Castle, Kozjansko Park, Kraken Film Society, Kramp Fest, Kranj Archaeological Site, Kranj Town Hall, Kranjska Gora International Film Festival, Križanke International Art Colony, Krka Gallery, Kromberk Castle, Krpanov dom Pivka, Krtina Publishing House, Krško Culture House, Krško Gallery, Kunigunda Festival of Young Cultures, Kurentovanje, Kurnik House, LUKS Studio, LUPA Slovene Non-Governmental Organisations’ Festival, Layer House, Laško Museum, LeeLooJamais, Lek Gallery, Libris Bookshops, Linguistica Journal, Lirikonfest, Literatura Magazine, Little Golden Stick Awards, Lična hiša Gallery, Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL), Ljubljana Fine Artists Society, Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe), Ljubljana International Short Film Festival, Ljubljana Jazz Festival, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Ljubljana Vič-Rudnik Music School, Ljudje Design Studio, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Ljutomer Trotter Museum, Loka Museum, Škofja Loka, Look Back and Laugh, Loža Gallery, Koper, Luwigana Gallery, L’ Innomable Records, MC Podlaga, MENT Ljubljana, MENTal Notes (pt1) – on Meritocracy and Music, MGL Library Book Collection, MISC Infopeka - Youth Information and Counselling Centre, Pekarna, MKC Maribor Youth Culture Centre, MKC Slovenj Gradec Youth Culture Centre, Mad About Film, Maechtig-Vrhunc Arhitekti, Magazine AR Architecture, Research, Maks Fabiani Award, Maks Fabiani Foundation, Maks Fabiani The architect town planner and thinker on the crossroads of histories, Malinc Publishing House, Mardi Gras at Cerknica, MareziJazz, Maribor Conservatory of Music and Ballet, Maribor National Liberation Museum, Maribor Octet, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Maribor Regional Museum, Maribum Afriqui Festival, Marjeta Grošelj Handbags, Marko Hatlak Band, Maska, Performing Arts Journal, Match Gallery, Max Club, Mediadom Pyrhani, Meduza Gallery, Koper, Melodies of the Sea and Sun, Memefest - International Festival of Radical Communication and Art, MetalDays, Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone, Miha Maleš Gallery, Minorite Church, Maribor, Miss Bazilika Narrative Theatre, Mlada Beltinška banda, Mladifest, Mladika Publishing House, Trieste, Mladinska knjiga Bookshops, Mladinska knjiga Publishing House, Mohor's Society, Mohorjeva Bookshops, Mokrice Castle, Moment Arts and Culture Association, Monfort Exhibition Space, Monochrome Arhitekti, Morfem Publisher, Morgan Cultural Association, Mostovna Cultural Centre, MultiPlan Architects, Museum of Architecture and Design, Museum of Architecture and Design Library, Museum of Ribnica, Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia, - Museums and galleries in Slovenia, Music of the World Festival, Kromberk, Muzeum Institute, NSK State, Event Guide, Narobe Magazine, National Design Awards, National and University Library, Nativity Museum Brezje, Negligence Studio, New Media Art Timeline, Nights in Old Ljubljana Town, Nika Records... further results



(DA)(NE)S Festival of Microtonal Music,, 24 Hour Party People, 3rdHand Association, AKD Izbruh, Acropolis Quintet, Ago Tela, Akord Festival Maribor, Art club & cafe Wetrinsky, Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica, Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers, Asylum Studio, Attacca Festival, Autodafé, BaRock Festival, Baladoor Jazz Festival, Baza 13, Beached Whale Festival, Biennial of Graphic Arts, Big Band KK, Biomechanics, Bled Festival, Bled Film Festival, Bluesland Festival, Boben and Lajna Festival, Borut Kržišnik Symphonic Orchestra, Bossa de Novo, Brina, Brumen Biennial of Slovenian Design, C.M.A.K. Cerkno, CPZ (Cela pametna založba), Café Teater, Carniola Festival, Summer in Kranj, Celica Hostel, Celje FOKUS Festival, Center za dehumanizacijo (CZD), Cerknica Culture House, Choregie Festival, City Hall Atria, Club Marathon, Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity, Coal Mining Museum of Slovenia, Creative Platform Inde, Cultural Garden Katzenberg, DLUL Gallery, DRMK - Collective for Development of Youth Culture, Dan D, Dandelion Children, Days of Slovenian popular music, Deca Debilane, Defonija, Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre, Delavski dom Zagorje Cultural Centre, Demeter, Design Biotop, DobraVaga, DruGod, Džjezz Festival, Earresistible Mastering, Enterprise for Bourgeois Arts, Etnika International World Music Festival, Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics, Eye on Film Festival, FV Music Festival, Fake Orchestra, Festival Hall, Festival Maribor, Festival Velenje - Velenje Gallery, Festival at the Border, Film Mixer Independent Film Festival, Finžgar Gallery, Flow Festival Ljubljana, Folk Museum Rogaška Slatina, Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor, Forma Viva Open Air Stone Sculpture Collection, Portorož, Forma Viva Open Air Wood Sculpture Collection, Kostanjevica na Krki, Forum Ljubljana, Franc Bernik Culture House, Domžale, Gala Hala, Gallus Foundation, Gallus J. Carniolus Institute, Garage Explosion Festival, Glitterbeat Records, God Bless This Mess Festival, Godalika, Gora Rocka, Grrizli Madams, Gulag Institute for Contemporary Arts and Cultures, HISTeRIA Festival, Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory, In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Maribor Regional Office, International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA), It's Everyone Else, Izzven Jazz Festival, Maribor, Jararaja, Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival, Jimmy Barka Experience, Juršče Culture House, KUD Anarhiv, KUD France Prešeren Arts and Culture Association, KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association, KUD Sestava, Kamfest, Katalena, Kersnikova Institute, Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Klopotec, Klub Channel Zero, Klub Gromka, Klub K4, Klub Menza pri koritu, Koperground Festival, Kosovel Culture House Sežana, Kranj City Library, Krastival Open Air Festival, Kresija Gallery, Križanke, Kropa Iron Forging Museum, Kurja polt Genre Film Festival, Kurz Rock Vibe, Laibach, Lighting Guerrilla Festival, Ljubljana City Library, Ljubljanica River Exhibition, Ljubljanski grad Public Institute, Lojze Slak Ensemble, Lolita, Maja Osojnik Band, Maribor Electronic Destination International Festival, Mars Music, Matrix Music, Mediafest, Festival of Contemporary Music and Digital Art, Celje, Menart Records, Mikl House Gallery, Mini Summer - International Festival for Children, Mladinsko Showcase, Mladinsko Theatre, MoTA Museum of Transitory Art, Moja Slovenija Magazine, Monkibo, Monoo, MotörCity Festival, Museum of Puppetry, Nada Žagar Youth Club (MKNŽ), Naio Ssaion, Naked Stage International Improvisational Theatre Festival, Night Window Display Gallery Pešak, Nikki Louder, Noise Festival, Nova Gorica Arts Centre, Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries, Octex, Ofis Arhitekti, On Parole Productions, Orkestrada, Orto Bar, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, Panika Records, Paranoid Open Air Festival,, Photography Museum Maribor, Photonic Moments – Month of Photography, Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre, Pivka House of Culture, Planica Museum, Plečnik House, Praznine Magazine, Prifarski muzikanti,, Prulček Spring Festival, Puna Syndicate, Punk Rock Holiday, RSL Production, Novo mesto, RTV Slovenia Kultura website, Radio Študent Benefit Festival, Railway Museum of Slovenske železnice, Random Logic, Razpotja Journal, ReflektorMusic Agency, Res Nullius, Residence Centre Cankarjeva,, Rock Batuje,, SAXGO International Saxophone Meeting, SToP Slovene Percussion Project, Sajeta Creative Camp, Satoration Studio, Schengenfest, Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum, Piran, Sever & Sever Production, Silence, Siti hlapci, Slovene Choirs Meeting in Šentvid, Stična, Slovene Puppetry Biennial, Slovene Puppetry Biennial Prizes, Slovenian Music Week, Slovenska popevka Festival, Slowind, Slowind Festival, Society for the Study of Popular Music, Solar Pulse Music, Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art, Sound Explicit Festival, Speculum Artium Festival, Stiropor Collective, Stična Festival, Street Explosion, Strictly Analog Festival, Strip Core, Stripburger, Studio Jork, Studio Metro, Summer School of Visual Ethnography, Symbolic Orchestra, TESLA Award, TRESK Festival, Technical Museum of Slovenia, Thunderbabies, Tide, Tomaž Šalamun Poetry Centre, Toronto Drug Bust, Tovarna Rog, Trbovlje, The New Media Setting, Uho; oko: Institute, University of Nova Gorica, Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape, Vasko Atanasovski Trio, Versopolis, World Music Days 2015, ZARŠ Records, ZOO Club, Zasavje Noisefest International, Zebra Dots, Zlati zob Ethno Club, Zmajev rep, Zmelkoow, Zoc, Škofja Loka Passion Play, Žoambo Žoet Workestrao


(DA)(NE)S Festival of Microtonal Music,, 24 Hour Party People, 3Delavnica, 3rdHand Association, 666 productions, A Atalanta, A Short Historical Overview of Slovene Film, A plus A, A.A.C. Productions, A.G. Market, ACH Art Collection, AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia, AKD Izbruh, ARNES, Academic and Research Network of Slovenia, ARS Gallery, ARS website database, Academic Choir France Prešeren, Kranj, Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts Collection, Academy of Music Library, Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Acerbic distribution, Acropolis Quintet, Acta Analytica, Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica, Acta Histriae, Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine, Adriatic Ionian Initiative (AII), Aggressive Theatre, Ago Tela, AiR Celeia Celje,, Akord Festival Maribor, Alma M. Karlin Virtual Home, Alma Mater Europaea - Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (AME ISH), Alps-Adriatic Working Community, Alzheimer3, Amala, Amfiteater Journal, Amnesty International Slovenia Award, Ampak Magazine, Amper-O-Mat, Ana Pupedan, Analena, Animation film course, Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation (ALF), Annales Journal, Annales Publishing House, Antara, Ante Trstenjak Gallery, Anthropological Notebooks, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Apiculture Museum Krapje, Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See in Slovenia, Arboretum Volčji Potok, Archaeological Society of Slovenia, Archiepiscopal Archives of Ljubljana, Architects' Bulletin (ab), Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS), Archives Journal, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Argo Journal, Arheo Journal, Arhitekt Magazin, Ariart Woodwind Quintet, Aristej Publishing House, Armada, Ars Fra-Ma Gallery, Ars Ramovš,, Arsana Music Art Association, Art Centre - Institute of Youth Culture, Kranj, Art History Journal, Art Society of Celje, Art Video Institute Ljubljana, Art club & cafe Wetrinsky, ArtNetLab, Arthouse - College for Visual Arts, Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica, ArtsLink Awards,, Asobi, Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers, Association for Film Culture Development, Maribor, Association for Transformation of Social Communication (PIFF), Association for the Research of History, Anthropology and Literature, Association of Associations of Slovenia, Association of Book Publishers, Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Association of Newspapers and Magazines Publishers, Association of Radio Stations of Slovenia, Association of Slovene Festivals (SloFA), Association of Slovene Film Producers, Association of Slovene Museums, Association of Television Stations of Slovenia, Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress, Asylum Studio, Atelier 2050, Attacca Festival, Audiovisual Laboratory, Institute of Slovene Ethnology, Augeas Stables Cultural Society, Austrian Cultural Forum, Ljubljana, Austrian Institute, Ljubljana, Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASRLO), Ljubljana, Autodafé, Autumn Film School, International Colloquium of Film Theory, Ave Chamber Choir, Avtonomija Magazine, Aškerc Award, B-51 Cultural Society, BIO Gold Medal, BaRock Festival, Baladoor Jazz Festival, Balkan Incentive Fund for Culture (BIFC), Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o, Baraga Homestead, Barely Modern, Barica Blenkuš Drama School, Barka tone in bele plombe, Bast, Baza 13, Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog, Beached Whale Festival, Behemot Bookshop, Beitthron, Bekko, Bela Film, Bela krajina Youth Cultural Club (MKK Črnomelj), Beli sladoled, Betetto Award, Beton Records, Betontanc, Biennial Festival of the Contemporary Puppetry Art LUTKE, Biennial of Graphic Arts, Big Band KK, Big Foot Mama, Biomechanics, Birthplace of Fran Saleški Finžgar, Birthplace of France Prešeren, Birthplace of Hugo Wolf, Birthplace of Janez Jalen, Birthplace of Matija Čop, Birthplace of Simon Gregorčič, Vrsno, Bistra Carthusian Monastery, Blacksmith Museum, Ljutomer, Blade Production, Bled Castle, Bled Cultural Institute, Bled Festival, Bled Film Festival, Blitz Film and Video Distribution, Bluesland Festival, Boben and Lajna Festival, Bogenšperk Castle, Bohuslav Lavička Pharmaceutical and Medical Collection, Borut Kržišnik Symphonic Orchestra, Bossa de Novo, Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki, Branch Unit I, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS), Branch Unit II, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS), Bratko Bibič & The Madleys, Brewery Museum, Brežice Youth Centre (MC Brežice), Brina, Broadcasting Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Broken Lock, Brumen Award, Brumen Biennial of Slovenian Design, Bugbrain Studio, Business Support Centre (BSC) Ltd, Kranj, Butik Festival, Buča Bookselling and Publishing, C.M.A.K. Cerkno, CMEPIUS - Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes, CPZ (Cela pametna založba), CUF, Café Open, Café Teater, Camerata Labacensis, Cancel, Cantemus Kamnik Mixed Choir, Capuchin Monastery Archives and Library, Škofja Loka, Capuchin Monastery Library, Krško, Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir, Carniola Festival, Summer in Kranj, Castles of Slovenia -, Celica Hostel, Celje Central Library, Celje FOKUS Festival, Celje Music School, Celje Regional Development Agency, Savinjska Region, Center za dehumanizacijo (CZD), Central Technological Library, University of Ljubljana, Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Peace Institute, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Studies, University of Maribor, Centre for Media Policy, Peace Institute, Centre for Preventive Archaeology, Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies Library, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Ceramics Artists and Pottery Makers Association, Cerknica Culture House, Cerkno Museum, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS), Chamber of Media Providers, Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling, Cheap Tunes Records, Choregie Festival, Cinemania Group, Cinematheque Society, Ciril Kosmač Homestead, Cirkulacija 2, City Hall Atria, Club Marathon, Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity, Cmurek Castle, Coal Mining Museum of Slovenia, CodeEp, Coma Stereo, Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe, Conceptual Art Centre Bukovje, Confucius Institute, Ljubljana, Consortium Musicum Ljubljana, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Bitola, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Limassol, Consulate of Ukraine in Celje, Consulate of the Republic of Austria in Maribor, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Mechelen, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in St.Pölten, Continental Film/Con Film, Copyright Agency of Slovenia Ltd, Corkscrew, Corn Seed Association, K Zrnovič Puppet Theatre, Crazed Farmers, Creative Commons Slovenia, Creative Platform Inde, CrossCommunityCreation Institute, Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT), Cultural Contact Point Slovenia, Cultural Garden Katzenberg, Culture from Slovenia World Map, Cvinger Film, Cyberpipe, DIC Gallery, DIVA Station, DLUL Gallery, DRMK - Collective for Development of Youth Culture, DRPPD - Association for Development of Preventative and Volunteer Work, Dan D, Dance Mamblita, Dandelion Children, Days of Ethnographic Film, Days of Oris, Days of Slovenian popular music, De Musica Disserenda Journal, De Profundis Chamber Choir, Deca Debilane, DeepEnd!, Defonija, Dej še'n litro Brass Band, Dejmo Stisnt Theatre, Delavnica Institute of Art and Culture Maribor, Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre, Delavski dom Zagorje Cultural Centre, Delo Newspaper, Delo Publishing House,, Delta, Journal for Women's Studies and Feminist Theory, Demeter, Demiurg, Demolition Group, Department of Archaeology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Asian Studies Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Asian Studies, University of Ljubljana, Department of Classics Library, Department of Classics, University of Ljubljana, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, University of Ljubljana, Department of Comparative and General Linguistics Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Comparative and General Linguistics, University of Ljubljana, Department of Dramaturgy and Performing Arts, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Department of Educational Sciences Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Department of English Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Film and Television, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Department of History Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of History, University of Ljubljana, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, University of Ljubljana, Department of Musicology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Musicology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Painting, Sculpture and Restoration Library, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Philosophy Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, Department of Psychology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Restoration, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Slavistics, University of Ljubljana, Department of Slovenian Studies, University of Ljubljana, Department of Sociology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Theatre and Radio, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Departments of Slovenian Studies and Slavistics Library, University of Ljubljana, Design Biotop, Development Centre Novo mesto, South East Slovenia Region, Dežurni krivci, Dharmafilm Society, Dicky B. Hardy, Didakta Magazine, Diocesan Archives of Koper, Directors Guild of Slovenia, Discography Unit, RTV Slovenia, Dnevnik Newspaper,, DobraVaga, Docomomo Slovenia,, DokMa International Film Festival, Domestic Research Society, Dominican Monastery at Ptuj, Dominko Homestead, Domžale Chamber Choir, Domžale Library, Don't Make New People, Dr Fran Miklošič Memorial Room, Dr Tone Pretnar Library, Tržič, Dragon Award, Drama Festival, DruGod, DrumWise, Družina Krumpak Ltd, Družina Publishing House,, Džjezz Festival, E-motion Film, EEA and Norway Grants, EKumba Database, EMC Multimedia Centre, EPEKA Gallery, EPI Centre, EUNIC Slovenia, Earresistible Mastering, Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia, Educa Publishing House, Educational Research Institute (ERI), Ekran, Magazine for Film and Television, Electric Rats Dream Video Dreams, Electric Theatre, Elvis Jackson, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Slovenia, Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Slovenia, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovenia, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Finland in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Addis Ababa, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Algiers, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bratislava, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Rome, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Skopje, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tel Aviv, Emona Promenade Festival, Emona, Legacy of a Roman City, Emzin Arts Magazine, Emzin Institute of Creative Production, Emzin Magazine Photography of the Year Competition, EnKnapGroup (EKG), Enimation, International Children and Youth Film Festival, Enterprise for Bourgeois Arts, Entreat, Enzo Fabiani Quartet, Epicenter - DZS Bookstore, Ethnological Collection in Kasarna, Jesenice, Ethnological Collection of Agricultural Implements, Stara Gora, Ethnological Collection of Koper Regional Museum, Etnika International World Music Festival, Etnolog (Ethnologist) Journal, Europa Cantat Festival 2021 Ljubljana, European Centre for Ethnic, Regional and Sociological Studies (ECERS), University of Maribor, European Council of Artists (ECA), Slovenia, European Cultural and Technological Centre (EKTC) Maribor, European Documentation Centre, European Festivals Association (EFA), European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR), European Piccolo Festival, European Triennial of Small Sculpture,, Ex Ponto International Festival, Ex-garage, Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics, Exodos International Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, Eye of the Word Festival, Eye on Film Festival, FAK Festival of Alternative Culture, FF600 Film Festival, FIPRESCI Slovenia Award, FKK - Festival of Culture Kostanjevica, FV Music, FV Music Festival, Fabjan Hafner Translation Award, Fabrika 13 Audio Mastering and Restoration, Fabula Award, Fabula Film Production, Factor Bank Art Collection, Faculty of Architecture Library, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education Library, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Faculty of Humanities Koper, University of Primorska, Faculty of Media, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Fake Orchestra, Familija, Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts, Fatamorgana, Felix Bookshops, Festival Hall, Festival Ljubljana Public Institute, Festival Maribor, Festival Performa & Platforma, Festival Velenje - Velenje Gallery, Festival at the Border, Festival of European and Mediterranean Film, Festival of Independent Film, Festival of Medieval and Renaissance Music, Festival of Monodrama, Ptuj, Festival of Slovenian Film, Film Mixer Independent Film Festival, Film Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities, Film Union of Slovenia, FilmFlow, Filmska praksa PLAN 9, Filofest International Student Film and Video Festival, Filter Society (DZU Filter), Finžgar Gallery, Fit media Ltd, Fivia, Flood Dams, Klavže, Flow Festival Ljubljana, Flyspoon, Folio Magazine, Folk Museum Rogaška Slatina, Folk Slovenia Cultural Society, Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor, Forma Viva Open Air Stone Sculpture Collection, Portorož, Forma Viva Open Air Wood Sculpture Collection, Kostanjevica na Krki, Forum Ljubljana, Fotopub Festival of Documentary Photography, Fran Korun Koželjski Music School, Velenje, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, Franc Bernik Culture House, Domžale, Franc-Franc Publishing, France Balantič Public Library Kamnik, France Bevk Homestead, France Bevk Public Library Nova Gorica, France Stele Institute of Art History Library, Francis's Shaft, Franciscan Archives and Library, Kamnik, Franciscan Archives and Library, Ljubljana, Franciscan Archives and Library, Novo mesto, Franja Partisan Hospital, French Institute in Slovenia, Freyer Theatre Ljubljana, Front Rock, Fru Fru Puppet Theatre, Fužine Castle, GIG Music Agency, GVR babaLAN Institute, Gajo Jazz Club, Gala Hala, Gallus Foundation, Gallus J. Carniolus Institute, Ganes Pratt, Garage Explosion Festival, Gasworks Museum, Gea College of Entrepreneurship Library, Piran, Glazer Award of the City of Maribor, Glej Theatre, Glitterbeat Records, Global Theatre, God Bless This Mess Festival, God Bless This Mess Records, Godalika... further results

Address book test: New media art

64 addresses.

Trg prekomorskih brigad 1 SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 / 1 430 5724
Leskovškova cesta 9d SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 / 1 520 2156

Slovenska 54 SI-1000 Ljubljana

Address book test 2: New media art producers

25 addresses.

Trg prekomorskih brigad 1 SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 / 1 430 5724



SI-1 | SI-2 | SI-3 | SI-4 | SI-5 | SI-6 | SI-8 | SI-9







Address book test 3: New media art producers in Region SI-1

Trg prekomorskih brigad 1 SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 / 1 430 5724
Aljaževa ulica 45 SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 / 1 505 7922, 386 / 4 144 0430