0.1 Institute

From Culture.si

Zavod za sodobno umetniško prakso in teorijo 0.1
Trnovska ulica 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana

The 0.1 Institute, founded in 2016, is a creative and conceptual platform for research into and the production of contemporary art practice and theory, with a particular focus on movement as it pertains to the performing (dance, puppetry, physical theatre) and non-performing (film, visual arts, music, intermedia) arts.


While at first glance it retains all the features of a contemporary dance company, particularly for an audience perhaps unaware of the institute's theoretical underpinnings, the professional profiles of the three main players show the wider perspectives they are keen to bring to movement: Jernej Bizjak is a contemporary dancer, choreographer and teacher; Sara Živkovič Kranjc, a scriptwriter and producer; and Klemen Janežič, an actor and director. The institute's commitment to research and to an interdisciplinary approach is exemplified by Za Ludwiga (For Ludwig), an ongoing project developed in Denmark to coincide with the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth in 2020.


The 0.1 Institute began with two projects in its first year of operation: Torzo (Torso), performed by Janežič at the Slovenian Railway Museum in Ljubljana and co-produced with UL AGRFT; and V objemu sprožilca ali pot do točke nič (In the Embrace of a Trigger, or the Road to Point Zero), Jernej Bizjak's first self-choreographed work, an intimate exploration of anxiety and powerlessness.

The institute's educational concerns were highlighted in the first of three projects in 2020. Gibarna was a series of workshops given by Janežič, Bizjak and several Slovenian and international mentors, largely online as a result of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, that aimed to explore how movement intersected with a range of performing arts. It was supported financially by the public institute Mladi zmaji (Young Dragons). Postaja samobitno (Station Selbstein), choreographed and performed by Janežič, examined the effect of contemporary Western environments on notions of integration and autonomy. It was produced by Flota, with 0.1 and Bunker co-producing, and premiered at Stara Elektrarna in March 2020. It was reportedly the last live cultural event to take place in Slovenia before the first Covid-19 lockdown.

The third of the projects to receive its premiere in 2020, For Ludwig, was developed at the Bora Bora Residency Centre in Aarhus, Denmark, by Bizjak, Živkovič Kranjc, and Dutch teacher and choreographer Joan van der Mast. The research phase of the project in Denmark involved immersion in a number of different fields, including visual art, sound art, sign language and astrophysics, with the premiere of Variation I of the project taking place in August 2020 at the Front@ Contemporary Dance Festival in Murska Sobota. Further performances (and variations) are to be expected, with the project having secured a place in the regular programme at the Bora Bora Dance and Visual Theatre in Aarhus.

The majority of 0.1's projects have been financially supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture.

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Zavod za sodobno umetniško prakso in teorijo 0.1 +
Zavod za sodobno umetniško prakso in teorijo 0.1 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trnovska ulica 2 +
The 0.1 InstituteThe 0.1 Institute, founded in 2016, is a creative and conceptual platform for research into and the production of contemporary art practice and theory, with a particular focus on movement as it pertains to the performing (dance, puppetry, physical theatre) and non-performing (film, visual arts, music, intermedia) arts.ilm, visual arts, music, intermedia) arts. +
The 0.1 Institute, founded in 2016, is a The 0.1 Institute, founded in 2016, is a creative and conceptual platform for research into and the production of contemporary art practice and theory, with a particular focus on movement as it pertains to the performing (dance, puppetry, physical theatre) and non-performing (film, visual arts, music, intermedia) arts.ilm, visual arts, music, intermedia) arts. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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