Category:Dance education and research


Fičo Balet

Fico Balet 2016 2.0 Photo Peter Uhan.jpg2:0., performed by the original ensemble of Fičo Balet: Goran Bogdanovski, Dejan Srhoj, Goran Tatar and Damjan Mohorko, 2016.

Fičo Balet is an artist-led NGO founded in 2000 by Goran Bogdanovski and a core group of artistic collaborators. Fičo Balet’s diverse (international) programme aims to explore and communicate the full range of the artistic and educational experience of dance by organising different community-based art projects.

Fičo Balet also provides an on-going, weekly training to "any body" interested in movement and dance and has been organising the international festival of contemporary dance.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING, INFOBOX, TOPROOFREAD, NIFERTIK, NEEDSUPDATE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Articles maintained by Katja Kosi, NO PHOTO, Article, HAS LOGO, Dance, Contemporary dance, Producers, Dance producers, Dance education, Dance workshop organisers, Workshop organisers, Festival organisers, Dance festival organisers, Theatre & Dance, Dance education and research, Dance festival and event organisers, Dance course and workshop organisers

Fico Balet 2016 2.0 Photo Peter Uhan.jpg