Filmostovje Production Company
23 Nov 2023
Screening of the film "Sanremo" directed by Miroslav Mandić, Filmostovje Production Company. Supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing and Slovenian Film Centre at the EU Film Festival Bangkok
16 Jun 2023
Screening of Sanremo directed by Miroslav Mandić and produced by Filmostovje Production Company. Supported by the Slovenian Film Centre, promoted by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Cairo
at the European Film Festival in Saudi Arabia -
10 May 2023
Screening of Sanremo directed by Miroslav Mandić and produced by Filmostovje Production Company, at the EU Film Screenings (Month of Europe). Supported by the Slovenian Film Centre, co-organised and promoted by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Cairo
Production highlights
Although Mandić has been making films since the early 1980s, including an extensive series of documentaries for Czech television between 1995 and 2002, it was not until 2005 that he produced his first film under the Filmostovje banner. This was Borderline Lovers (2005), a feature-length documentary that examined the lives of three couples who had married across political and cultural divides after the Yugoslav wars. The effect of those wars on personal and professional life was further addressed in the feature film Adria Blues (2013), which was co-produced by Filmostovje, Gustav Film and Senca Studio, while Igram, sem (I Act, I am, 2018), another feature, explores the dividing lines (or lack of them) between acting and real life.
- Sanremo, feature, 2020
- Igram, sem, feature, 2018
- Adria Blues, feature, 2013
- Searching for Johnny, feature-length documentary, 2009
- Borderline Lovers, feature-length documentary, 2005
Awards and nominations
Igram, sem
- Štiglič Best Direction Award, 2019
Adria Blues
- East of the West Competition, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2013 (nominated)
Borderline Lovers
- Best Documentary Film (Golden Letter Award), Munich International Film Festival, 2006
- Human Rights Award, Special Jury Prize, Sarajevo Film Festival, 2005