- Manual of Style (MOS) – jezikovna & oblikovna pravila (v delu!)
- Article Guidelines (AG) – struktura & vsebina člankov
- Preferred Translations – to get us all on the same page with terminology
Strike out
List of articles
A list of articles by Nataša Velikonja
Alma Karlin Memorial House, Art Factory Majšperk, Carinarnica, Center for Architecture Slovenia,, Centre of Slavic Cultures France Prešeren, Cukrarna Palace, Elan Alpine Skiing Museum, Emona Promenade Festival, FAK Festival of Alternative Culture, FO.VI Gallery, Felina Films, Film Factory, Fotopub Festival, Franciscan Monastery Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica, Golden Pear Label, Grand Hotel Union Hall, House of Architecture Maribor, House of Children and Arts, House of Tolerance Festival, Indigo Festival, Jewish Cultural Centre Ljubljana, KUDUS Association, Kino Pivka, Kostel Castle, Kranjska Gora International Film Festival, Krpanov dom Pivka, Music of the World Festival, Kromberk, Notranjska Museum Postojna, Nukleus Film Slovenia, Planika Dairy Museum, Ravne Gallery, Sevnica Castle, Temporary Slovene Dance Archive, Topographies of Sound Festival, Visoko Mansion, Vzkrik Festival, Winter Days of Metal Festival, Zala Publishing, Žiče Charterhouse
A list of articles by Simon Žlahtič
- Articles - NEEDSUPDATE
Alkatraz Gallery, Analiza Journal, Anton Sovre Library Hrastnik, Anton Tomaž Linhart Library Radovljica, Arsana International Music Festival, Art Stays Cultural Association, Art Stays, International Festival of Contemporary Art, Association for Contemporary Arts X-OP, Association of Slovene Photographers, Avgust Černigoj Gallery, Lipica, Avsenik Gallery, Beno Zupančič Library Postojna, Berneker Award, Best Short Story Award, Bežigrad Library, Brežice Library, BridA, CGU Printmaking Art Centre, Cankar's Library Vrhnika, Castrumfoto International Workshop, Celeia Celje Institute - Centre for Contemporary Arts, Celje Gallery of Contemporary Art, Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, Ciril Kosmač Public Library, Tolmin, Dom Kulture muziKafe, Dravograd Library, Festival of Photography Maribor, Fotografija, Magazine on Photography, Franc Ksaver Meško Library, Ormož, France Mihelič Gallery, Škofja Loka, Genius Loci Lera Workshop, Gestapo Prisons at Dravograd, Gorjup Gallery, Kostanjevica na Krki, Hinko Smrekar Award, Historical Archives Ptuj, House! Society for People and Spaces, Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory, International Association of Art Critics (AICA), Slovenia, International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Intima Virtual Base, Ivan Potrč Library Ptuj, Izidor Cankar Award, Izola-Isola Principal Library, Jenko Award, Josip Vošnjak Library, Slovenska Bistrica, Jožef Stefan Institute Gallery, KIBLIX Festival of Arts and Technology, Kambič Gallery, KantFest International, Kolnkišta, Kompleks Youth Culture Centre, Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik, Ravne na Koroškem, Krka Art Collection, Ksaver Meško Library Slovenj Gradec, Kunsthisterik Association, Kurentovanje, Lamut's Art Salon, Levstik Award, Levstik House – Memorial Rooms of Fran Levstik and Josip Stritar, Library Association of Celje, Library Association of Koroška, Library Association of Ljubljana, Library Association of Maribor, Library Association of Primorska and Notranjska, Likovne besede Magazine, Maribor Public Library, May Salon, May Salon Award, Media Nox Gallery, Meduza 2 Gallery, Piran, Mihelič Gallery, Ptuj, Modern Art Archive, Museum of Modern Art, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Museum of Modern Art Library, Museum of Modern Art Photo Archive, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška, Narodni dom Maribor, National Gallery of Slovenia, National Gallery of Slovenia Library, Nova Gorica City Gallery, Nova Ljubljanska banka (NLB) Art Collection, OHO Group Award, Obrat Association, P74 Centre and Gallery, Pečarič Gallery, Photoclub Maribor, Photographic Federation of Slovenia, Piran City Library, Radlje ob Dravi Public Library, Rihard Jakopič Award, Riko Art Collection, Rožanc Award, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts Library, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts Project Room, Savinov likovni salon, Slovanska Library, Slovene Writers’ Association, Srečko Vilhar Public Library, Koper-Capodistria, Stane Kregar Gallery, Stele Award, Stolp Photogallery, Stritar Award, Studia humanitatis, Talum Art Collection, Trebnje Gallery of Naïve Artists, Trubar Homestead, U3 Triennial of Contemporary Slovene Arts, Ultramono Institute, Veronika Award, Večernica Award,, ZRC Publishing, Zala Gallery, ČKZ Journal for the Critique of Science, for Imagination and New Anthropology
Upcoming Contact Changes
- Rossen Milanov RTV Symphony Orchestra - September 2019
2020 Berlin
Residency | User:Editor |
Start | 2020-01-01 00:00:00 |
End | 2020-01-31 00:00:00 |
Cv_url | |
About_url | |
Work_url | |
More_url | |
Description |
FOTO published
Events Worldwide Template & Kontakti
- Dubbed cities corrections - up to - Poland - Kraków
Custom lists – Tabele z naslovi
- Articles - emails by region (pošta)
- of articles
- list Museums
- list of festivals
- Address Table
- list by Cat
- event list
Letters Out
- Balassi Institute - 17.1.
- Mladinska knjiga - grozd - 17.1.
Updated 2017 + photo
3rdHand Association, Apiculture Museum Krapje, Art club & cafe Wetrinsky, Audiovisual Laboratory, Institute of Slovene Ethnology, Bevk Perović Arhitekti, Biennial of Graphic Arts, Bled Festival, Bunker Institute, C.M.A.K. Cerkno, Celje Central Library, Cirkus Club, City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts, Club Marathon, Coal Mining Museum of Slovenia, Cvetličarna, DOKUDOC International Documentary Film Festival, Druga godba Festival, Druga godba Ljubljana, Festival Velenje - Velenje Gallery, Festival of Slovenian Jazz, FilmIT Production House, Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor, Gala Hala, Glej Theatre, Goga Publishing House, House! Society for People and Spaces, Independent Biennial, It's Everyone Else, Jardier, KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association, KUD Sestava, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Klub Baza Ajdovščina, Koroška Regional Museum, Kosovel Culture House Sežana, Kranj City Library, Križanke, Kropa Iron Forging Museum, Laibach, Liszt Institute Ljubljana, Ljubljana Festival, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Ljubljanski grad Public Institute, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Lolita, MKC Slovenj Gradec Youth Culture Centre, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Mediadom Pyrhani, Mladi levi Festival, Mladinsko Showcase, MoTA Museum of Transitory Art, Monfort Exhibition Space, Mountain Film Festival, Museum of Ribnica, Night Window Display Gallery Pešak, Nova Gorica Arts Centre, October Jazz, Ofis Arhitekti, PIFcamp, Pekinpah Association, Piran Days of Architecture, Plesna izba - Maribor Dance Room, Plečnik House, Pritličje, Railway Museum of Slovenske železnice, Ribnica Castle, SAXGO International Saxophone Meeting, SToP Slovene Percussion Project, Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum, Piran, Slovene Arts & Culture Residency, Berlin, Slovene Arts & Culture Residency, London, Slovene Arts & Culture Residency, New York, Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art, Speculum Artium Festival, Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station, Summer Puppet Pier Festival, TRESK Festival, Technical Museum of Slovenia, Tomaž Šalamun Poetry Centre, Urbano Dejanje, Velenje Castle, Velenje Museum, Vetrinjski dvor, VigeVageKnjige, Švicarija Art Centre
Updated 2017 + NO PHOTO
ARK Arhitektura Krušec, Aksioma Institute, Aksioma Project Space, Amfiteater Journal, Ante Trstenjak Gallery, Archaeological Society of Slovenia, Architects' Society of Dolenjska Region and Bela Krajina, Arheo Journal, Arrea Architecture, Arsmedia, Art kino Odeon Izola, Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica, Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers, Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Association of Slovene Music Schools, Association of Slovene Restorers, Asylum Studio, Avgust Černigoj Gallery, Lipica, Avsenik Gallery, BOFF Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, Baraga Homestead, Blue Bird Award, Bohinj Summer Music Festival, CGU Printmaking Art Centre, Celica Hostel, Centre for Preventive Archaeology, City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture, Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity, CoFestival, Contemporary dance Platform, Creative Europe Desk Slovenia, DLUL Gallery, Defonija, Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti, Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre, Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Design Biotop, DobraVaga, EUNIC Slovenia, Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics, FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival, Federacija Institute, Festival Hall, Festival Ljubljana Public Institute, Festival of Photography Maribor, Finžgar Gallery, Forma Viva Open Air Wood Sculpture Collection, Kostanjevica na Krki, Forum Ljubljana, Gallus Foundation, Gallus J. Carniolus Institute, Glitterbeat Records, Hala Tivoli, Hinko Smrekar Award, House of Architecture, In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Maribor Regional Office, Jalla Jalla, Jazz Cerkno Festival, Jazz Cerkno Institute, Jurjevanje in Bela krajina, KUD Anarhiv, Kamfest, Kamizdat, Kersnikova Institute, Klopotec, Klub Gromka, Klub K4, Klub Metulj, Koper Theatre, Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik, Ravne na Koroškem, Križanke International Art Colony, Levstik Award, Library Association of Koroška, Library Association of Pomurje, Library, Journal of Library and Information Science, Ljubljanica River Exhibition, Look Back and Laugh, Lydia Wisiakova Prize, Maribum Afriqui Festival, Mikl House Gallery, Mikl House Library, Mladinska knjiga Bookshops, Mladinska knjiga Publishing House, Motovila Institute, Nada Žagar Youth Club (MKNŽ), Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, Nova Gorica City Gallery, Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries, Orto Bar, Orto Fest, Performa Festival, Petra Pan Film Production, Photoclub Maribor, Photography Museum Maribor, Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre, Poligon Creative Centre, Primorska Summer Festival Association, Public Institute Ribnica Handicraft Centre, PureH, RTV Slovenia Archives and Documentation Service, Residence Centre Cankarjeva, Restoration Centre, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS), SADAR + VUGA Architects, STVAR architects, Sajeta Creative Camp, Salon of Applied Arts, Sever & Sever Production, Silence, Slovene Association of Landscape Architects, Slovene Music Days, Slovene Puppetry Biennial, Slovene Puppetry Biennial Prizes, Slovenian Art Cinema Association, Slovenian Library Association, Slowind, Society for Textile and Fashion Design (SOTO), Sodobnost International Cultural Society, Spider Festival, Stele Award, Stiropor Collective, Stiropor Festival, Stična Festival, Stolp Photogallery, Strip Core, Stripburger, Studio AKKA, Summer School of Visual Ethnography, Summer in Velenje Festival, Sunflower Gallery, TESLA Award, Transalpina - the Bohinj Railway, Trbovlje, The New Media Setting, Trubar's Antiquariat, Ukrep - Festival of Dance Perspectives, Večernica Award, Video in Progress Festival, ZARŠ Records, Zgodovina za vse (History for Everyone), Čop Award, Škrabec Homestead
Spomladansko čiščenje - naslovi
- 19.4. - 15 knjižnic
- 20.4. - 50 knjižnic
ODZIVI - DO 5.5. - 16:
- Knjižnica - Miran Jarc Novo mesto - pinterest, dodala otočec - odgovorila - pismo za FOTO
- Slavica Potnik - Radlje - podatki okay - odgovorila
- Matjaž Neudauer - Ptuj - dva popravka - odgovorila - poslal tudi FOTO - naložila FOTO, odgovorila (večji logo) - še dve FOTO - podatki o ostrešju - odgovorila
- Olga Zupan - Kamnik - popravim - Belantič - odgovorila - rečem za Foto, logo
- Andreja Štuhec - Litija - okay - odgovorila, pisala za FOTO
- Bojan Uranjek - Medobčinska splošna knjižnica Žalec - popravek emial - odgovorila
- Milanka Trušnovec - Idrija - popravki besedilo, dodala gledališče - POPRAVILA - odgovorila - pismo za FOTO, logo
- Petra Vide Ogrin - sazu - popravila - odgovorila - pismo za Foto, Logo
- Anja Panjan Trgočić - črnomelj - popravki POPRAVILA - odgovorila - pismo za Foto, Logo - poslala Logo - POŠLJEM O KULTURNIKU - DOGODKI - vnašat kot Events na Kulturnik
- Brigita Kranjec - domžale - popravki POPRAVILA - - odgovorila - pismo za Foto, Logo
- Matej Jazbinšek - laško - popravek, letnica POPRAVILA - pisala za Logo
- Gregor Erjavec - Logatec - pisala za Logo, foto
- Veronika Osredkar - Jesenice - popravki POPRAVILA - naložila foto - odgovorila + O Kulturniku
- Artur Lipovz Ajdovščina - ODSOTEN - poslal Matjaž Štibilj - nov logo - odgovorila - odgovorila + O Kulturniku
- Albert Halasz - Lendava .- naročil naprej
- Sonja Žakelj - Vrhnika - podatki in fotografija - popravila in uploadala + odgovor
Article overviews - Editorial issues
29.9.2015 - 356 PAGES
- Education - umetniške gimnazije?
- Galerija DLUL since 2014 - Ljubljana Fine Artists Society - OK
Architecture & Design
- Plečnik Collection - under renovation - opening September 2015!
- MAKS FABIANI - Ustanova Maks Fabiani / Center za arhitekturo Krasa
- Architecture archives - short intro
Theatre & Dance
- showcase - intervju z A. Predan, Bitef od 2005- promocija (vabila) + partnerji za koprodukcije!
Visual arts
New media art
Embassies, Education, etc
LIMBO - 6 Letters out:
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Belgrade OK
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Copenhagen
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia New Delhi
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Ottawa
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Podgorica
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Prague - add PQ paragraph - OK
- Consulate General of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Consulate General of Nepal
Consulate General of Sweden in Slovenia, Consulate of Iceland in Slovenia, Consulate of Malaysia in Slovenia, Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Consulate of the Republic of Angola in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Paraguay, Consulate of the Republic of Peru, Consulate of the Republic of South Africa in Slovenia, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Kranj, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Solkan, Consulate of the United Mexican States
WRITING by Dare:
- Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Priština
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Sarajevo
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia The Hague
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tokyo
IT Issues
<ul><li>The part "[[" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>Some subquery has no valid condition.</li></ul>
CUSTOM lists
Bela krajina Museum, Metlika, Birthplace of Rudolf Maister, Cekin Mansion, Celje Museum of Recent History, Celje Regional Museum, City Museum of Ljubljana, Dolenjska Museum Novo mesto, Gorenjska Museum, Goriška Museum, Idrija Municipal Museum, Ironmaking Museum, Ravne na Koroškem, Kamnik Intermunicipal Museum, Koper Regional Museum, Koroška Regional Museum, Kočevje Regional Museum, Maribor National Liberation Museum, Maribor Regional Museum, Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia, Museum on the Border, National Museum of Contemporary History, National Museum of Slovenia, Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota, Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum, Radlje ob Dravi Museum, Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Slovene School Museum, Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Slovenska Bistrica Castle, Slovenska Bistrica Castle Museum Collections, Velenje Museum, Vrhnika Cultural Centre, Zasavje Museum, Trbovlje, Črnomelj Municipal Museum
0.1 Institute, 2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling, 4th Dritl Virtual Museum, A.V.A. Institute, Academy of Visual Arts, A.biro, AKSL Arhitekti, ARK - Institute for Architecture and Culture, ARK Arhitektura Krušec, AS Gallery, ATELIERarhitekti, About Slovenia, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Academy of Music, Admission Free Festival, Adriatic Slovenica Collection, Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia, Aksioma Institute, Aksioma Project Space, Alga Gallery, All Strings Detached, Alma Karlin Memorial House, Ambasada Gavioli, Ambasada ŠKM Beltinci, American Slovenian Education Foundation, Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival, Ana Monró Theatre, Ana's Festival Rogaška Slatina, Animateka International Animated Film Festival, Anselma, Anthropos Journal, Antika Antiquariat and Bookshop, Celje, Anton Podbevšek Theatre, Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association, Apokalipsa Magazine, Archipelag-Archipelago Festival, Nova Gorica and Gorizia, Architects' Society of Dolenjska Region and Bela Krajina, Architects' Society of Ljubljana (DAL), Architectural Gallery DESSA, Architectural Guide, Arhitektura, Office for Urbanism and Architecture, Arrea Architecture, Arsem Agency, Arsmedia, Art Center Prosenjakovci, Art Chronicle Bulletin, Art Factory Majšperk, Association Nagib, Association of Ballet Artists of Slovenia, Association of Puppeteers, Association of Slovene Music Schools, Association of Slovene Restorers, Astral Film, Astrum Music Publications, Audiovisual Training and Networking, Avla NLB Gallery, Ljubljana, Avsenik Ensemble, Avsenik Festival, Azil Bookshop, Ažbe Gallery, BOFF Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, BRUTO - Landscape Architecture and Design Studio, BUMfest International Percussion Festival, Bela krajina Museum, Metlika, Beletrina Bookshop, Benedetti Life, Beseda Text Corpus, Best Book Design Award, Best First Book Award, Beton Ltd., Bevk Perović Arhitekti, Bežigrajska galerija, Bi Flamenko International Flamenco Festival,, Biennial of Design (BIO), Biennial of Slovene Book Illustration, Biennial of Textile Art BIEN, Big Architecture Festival, BigSEE Awards, Bindweed Soundvision, BioTehna, Birthplace of Rudolf Maister, Blind Date Convention, Festival of the Artist’s Book, Bliž, Blue Bird Award, Bohinc Studio, Bohinj Summer Music Festival, Books in the Time of Corona, Borec Journal, Borghesia, Borštnik Ring Award and Borštnik Awards, Brda Contemporary Music Festival, Breka Fest, British Council Slovenia, Bufeto Institute, Bukla Magazine, Bunker Institute, COBISS - Slovene Virtual Library, COLIB - Slovene libraries database, Cankarjev dom Small Gallery, Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre, Cankarjev dom, Film Programme, Cankarjev dom, Music Programme, Cankarjev dom, Theatre & Dance Programme, Carinarnica, Carmina Slovenica, Carnaval, Carnica Institute for Culture and Tourism, Casablanca Productions, Cekin Mansion, Celinka Agency, Center for Architecture Slovenia, Center of Contemporary Dance Arts, Center of Illustration,, Centralna postaja, Centralna postaja Ljubljana, Centre for Creativity, Centre for Karst Architecture, Centre for Slovenian Literature, Centre for Slovenian Literature Website, Centre for Sonorous Arts, Centre of Slavic Cultures France Prešeren, Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia (ZAPS), Church of St George in Legen, Cirkus Club, City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture, City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts, Cliché, Come autumn the festival fever subsides, Commission for Music and Ballet Competitions (TEMSIG), Consulate General of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Consulate General of Nepal, Consulate General of Sweden in Slovenia, Consulate General of the Republic of Hungary in Lendava-Lendva, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia Durbanville, Cape Town, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia New York, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Balzan, Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Trst/Trieste, Consulate of Iceland in Slovenia, Consulate of Malaysia in Slovenia, Consulate of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay in Slovenia, Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Consulate of the Republic of Angola in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Armenia in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Paraguay, Consulate of the Republic of Peru, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Breukelen, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Hong Kong, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Las Palmas, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Reykjavίk, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in San Sebastián, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Sevilla, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Shanghai, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Tallinn, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Thessaloniki, Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Vilnius, Consulate of the Republic of South Africa in Slovenia, Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Slovenia, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Ilirska Bistrica, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Jesenice, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Kranj, Consulate of the Russian Federation in Solkan, Consulate of the United Mexican States in Slovenia, Continuation and Diversion Contemporary Architecture in Slovenia, CoolTours no 1, CoolTours no 2, CtrlArt Studio, Cukrarna Gallery, Cukrarna Palace, Cultural Bazaar, Cultural Centre Maribor, Culture Online Beyond Commercial Algorithms, Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, Culture nation and metadata,, Cvetličarna, DANS Arhitekti, DB Recordings, DESSA Architecture Centre, Dallas Records, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Days of Comedy, Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti, Delak Institute, Department for Cultural and Scientific Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Department of Art History Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Art History, University of Ljubljana, Department of Design Library, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Design, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of English, University of Ljubljana, Department of Geography Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Geography, University of Ljubljana, Department of Painting, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Desetnica Award, Deuje babe Festival, Devetka, Dialogi Journal, Diocesan Archives of Maribor, Disdrug This Fuck, Dobrovo Castle, DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival, Dom svobode, Domžale Gallery, Draž Knitwear Studio, Dreamwalk, Drops festival, Druga godba Festival, Druga godba Ljubljana, Drugajanje Festival, Društvo 2000, Dubzilla, EPeKa Scientific and Research Association, EU funding for culture 4 observations from Slovenia, EarZoom Sonic Arts Festival, Ebesede Publishing House, Educational Research Institute (ERI) Digital Library, Egon March Institute, Elan Alpine Skiing Museum, Elastik Architecture, Emanat Institute, Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ankara, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Copenhagen, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Madrid, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ottawa, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Paris, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Podgorica, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Prague, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Priština, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sarajevo, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Seoul, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sofia, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in The Hague, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tokyo, EnaBanda Association, Enota Architects, Etc magazine, EtnoRock Festival, European Co-ordination of Film Festivals (ECFF), Slovenia, Evroterm, Exodos Institute, Experimental Theatre in the 1950s and 1960s, Explore the experienced EU funded cultural organisations from Slovenia 2002-2013, FDV Art Gallery, FO.VI Gallery, Faculty of Arts Bookshop, Faculty of Design, Faculty of Education Gallery, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival, Federacija Institute, Felina Films, Festival of Independent Film and Video, Festival of Migrant Film, Festival of Slovenian Jazz, Fields of Experimental Music in Slovenia, Film Factory, Film Theatre Idrija, FilmIT Production House, Filmostovje Production Company, Filozofski vestnik (Acta philosophica), Floating Castle Festival, Forma Viva Open Air Steel Sculpture Collection, Ravne na Koroškem, Fotopub Festival, France Stele Institute of Art History, Franciscan Monastery Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica, Friderik Irenej Baraga Institute, Fulbright Program, GO2025 The City Yet to Become, GT22, Galerija BOKS Society, GalerijaGallery, Gallery 14, Gallery K18, Gallina Vocal Group, Getting a clearer picture and a better sound, Glasbe sveta, Glasna Magazine, Gledga Magazine, Godibodi Institute, Golden Drum Award, Golden Pear Label, Golden Pencil Award, Gorenjski glas, Goriška Museum Library, Government of the Republic of Slovenia Scholarships, Gracious Comedy Awards, Grand Hotel Union Hall, Gregor Podnar Gallery, Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival, Grün-Filipič Award,, Hala Tivoli, Harmonia Antiqua Labacensis Institute, Heritage Information and Documentation Centre, Ministry of Culture, Hest 35 Gallery, Ljubljana, Hest Gallery, Ljubljana, Hest Gallery, Maribor, Hinko Smrekar our contemporary, Hiše Magazine, House of Architecture, House of Architecture Maribor, House of Children and Arts, House of Tolerance Festival, Human1st, Hyperion Book Series, I.D.I.O.T Magazine, ICOM Slovenia Award, IMPRO Association for Culture and Education, Ichisan & Nakova, IlovarStritar, Imaginarni Institute, Imago Sloveniae, Independent Biennial, Indigo Festival, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Institute for Mediterranean Heritage, SRC Koper, Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies, Institute of Archaeology, Institute of Information Sciences (IZUM), Institute of Information Sciences (IZUM) Library, Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, Insula Gallery, International Amateur Theatre Association (AITA/IATA), Slovenia, International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ), Slovenia, International Center for Puppetry Arts Koper, International Cooperation and EU Office, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), Slovenia, International Council of Museums (ICOM), Slovenia, International Festival of Creativity Golden Drum, International Folkore Festival, Beltinci, International Music Festival Imago Slovenia, International Summer School of Museology, International Union of the Marionette (UNIMA), Slovenia, Intimate Cinema, GT22, Intimate Stage, GT22, Iridium Film, Iris Award, Irwin, Ivan Rakovec Institute of Palaeontology, Ivan Tavčar Public Library, Škofja Loka, Jablje Castle, Jakopič Gallery, Jalla Jalla, Jana Zemljarič Miklavčič Scholarship Trust, Janez Trdina Cultural Centre, Novo mesto, Janez Vajkard Valvasor Foundation, Jardier, Javeršek Homestead, Jazz Ethno Funky Festival, Jazz Kamp Kranj, Jazzinty, Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI), Slovenia, Jewish Cultural Centre Ljubljana, Jezik in slovstvo Journal, Joker Magazine, Jože Lacko Memorial Room, Ptuj, Jurij Slatkonja Music Conservatory, KD Čedermac Cultural Association, KIBLA Portal, KID PiNA, KMŠ Publishing House, KOFF Koroška Outdoor Film Festival, KUDUS Association, Kajža, Kamizdat, Kamnik Culture House, Karmakoma, Karst Research Institute, Kaverljag Summer Workshops, Kerozin Production Studio, Kino Bežigrad, Kino Pivka, Klub Baza Ajdovščina, Klub Metulj, Klub eMCe plac, Koala Voice, Kodeljevo Castle, Kofein, Kombinat Architects, Koper Regional Museum, Kostel Castle, Kozjansko Park, Kraken Film Society, Kramp Fest, Kranj Archaeological Site, Kranj Town Hall, Kranjska Gora International Film Festival, Križanke International Art Colony, Krka Gallery, Kromberk Castle, Krpanov dom Pivka, Krtina Publishing House, Krško Culture House, Krško Gallery, Kunigunda Festival of Young Cultures, Kurentovanje, Kurnik House, LUKS Studio, LUPA Slovene Non-Governmental Organisations’ Festival, Layer House, Laško Museum, LeeLooJamais, Lek Gallery, Libris Bookshops, Linguistica Journal, Lirikonfest, Literatura Magazine, Little Golden Stick Awards, Lična hiša Gallery, Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL), Ljubljana Fine Artists Society, Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe), Ljubljana International Short Film Festival, Ljubljana Jazz Festival, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Ljubljana Vič-Rudnik Music School, Ljudje Design Studio, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Ljutomer Trotter Museum, Loka Museum, Škofja Loka, Look Back and Laugh, Loža Gallery, Koper, Luwigana Gallery, L’ Innomable Records, MC Podlaga, MENT Ljubljana, MENTal Notes (pt1) – on Meritocracy and Music, MGL Library Book Collection, MISC Infopeka - Youth Information and Counselling Centre, Pekarna, MKC Maribor Youth Culture Centre, MKC Slovenj Gradec Youth Culture Centre, Mad About Film, Maechtig-Vrhunc Arhitekti, Magazine AR Architecture, Research, Maks Fabiani Award, Maks Fabiani Foundation, Maks Fabiani The architect town planner and thinker on the crossroads of histories, Malinc Publishing House, Mardi Gras at Cerknica, MareziJazz, Maribor Conservatory of Music and Ballet, Maribor National Liberation Museum, Maribor Octet, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Maribor Regional Museum, Maribum Afriqui Festival, Marjeta Grošelj Handbags, Marko Hatlak Band, Maska, Performing Arts Journal, Match Gallery, Max Club, Mediadom Pyrhani, Meduza Gallery, Koper, Melodies of the Sea and Sun, Memefest - International Festival of Radical Communication and Art, MetalDays, Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone, Miha Maleš Gallery, Minorite Church, Maribor, Miss Bazilika Narrative Theatre, Mlada Beltinška banda, Mladifest, Mladika Publishing House, Trieste, Mladinska knjiga Bookshops, Mladinska knjiga Publishing House, Mohor's Society, Mohorjeva Bookshops, Mokrice Castle, Moment Arts and Culture Association, Monfort Exhibition Space, Monochrome Arhitekti, Morfem Publisher, Morgan Cultural Association, Mostovna Cultural Centre, MultiPlan Architects, Museum of Architecture and Design, Museum of Architecture and Design Library, Museum of Ribnica, Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia, - Museums and galleries in Slovenia, Music of the World Festival, Kromberk, Muzeum Institute, NSK State, Event Guide, Narobe Magazine, National Design Awards, National and University Library, Nativity Museum Brezje, Negligence Studio, New Media Art Timeline, Nights in Old Ljubljana Town, Nika Records... further results
Articles maintained by other writers
Alma Karlin Memorial House, Apiculture Museum Krapje, Avgust Černigoj Gallery, Lipica, Avsenik Gallery, Baraga Homestead, Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog, Bela krajina Museum, Metlika, Birthplace of France Prešeren, Birthplace of Rudolf Maister, Bled Castle, Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki, Celje Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje Museum of Recent History, Celje Regional Museum, City Art Gallery Ljubljana, City Museum of Ljubljana, Dolenjska Museum Novo mesto, Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia, Gestapo Prisons at Dravograd, Gorenjska Museum, Goriška Museum, Idrija Municipal Museum, International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Ironmaking Museum, Ravne na Koroškem, Kamnik Intermunicipal Museum, Kobarid Museum, Koper Regional Museum, Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik, Ravne na Koroškem, Koroška Regional Museum, Kos Manor House, Kočevje Regional Museum, Layer House, Loka Castle, Maribor National Liberation Museum, Maribor Regional Museum, Mediadom Pyrhani, Memorial House of the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Slovenia in Čebine, Mihelič Gallery, Ptuj, Mikl House Gallery, Moderna galerija (MG), Monfort Exhibition Space, Museum of Architecture and Design, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (MSUM), Museum of Madness, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška, Museum of Post and Telecommunications, Museum of Puppetry, Museum of Slovenian Film Actors, Museum of the Leather Industry in Slovenia, Museum on the Border, National Gallery of Slovenia, National Museum of Contemporary History, National Museum of Slovenia, National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova, National and University Library, Notranjska Museum Postojna, Park of Military History Pivka, Pečarič Gallery, Pilon Gallery, Ajdovščina, Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota, Predjama Castle, Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum, Public Institute Ribnica Handicraft Centre, Radlje ob Dravi Museum, Railway Museum of Slovenske železnice, Sevnica Castle, Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Slovene School Museum, Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Slovenian Theatre Institute, Slovenska Bistrica Castle, Slovenska Bistrica Castle Museum Collections, Technical Museum of Slovenia, Tolmin Museum, Trebnje Gallery of Naïve Artists, Trenta Lodge TNP Information Centre and Museum, University of Ljubljana Historical Archives and Museum, Velenje Museum, Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation, Zasavje Museum, Trbovlje, Črnomelj Municipal Museum, Žalec Institute for Culture, Sport and Tourism
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FESTIVALS in the process of WRITING Arsana International Music Festival, Art Stays, International Festival of Contemporary Art, Beavers Festival of Culture and Art Education, Beer and Flower Festival, Biennial of Slovene Ceramics, Break Festival, Cankarjada Festival, City of Books Festival, CoFestival, Contemporary dance Platform, Crossings Festival, DOKUDOC International Documentary Film Festival, DrrMrrr OrtoPunk Festival, Fantasy Literature Festival Fanfest, Festival of Photography Maribor, Film Compass Festival, Ptuj, Film Video Monitor Festival, Gorizia-Gorica, Flores Musicae Festival, Folkest Festival, Front@ Contemporary Dance Festival, GO Filmfest, Gibanica (Moving Cake) Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art, Godibodi Festival, Gong Fest, Grossmann Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Comics Festival, Grounded Festival, International Biennial of Contemporary Music Koper, International Festival of Architecture and New Media, International Festival of Small and Independent Film Productions, KAOS Festival of Contemporary Collage, KIBLIX Festival of Arts and Technology, KantFest International, Karbiduka Youth Festival, Zasavje, Kinotrip, Kontrada Festival, KoupaFest, Kurentovanje, Lent Festival, Mat kultra Zasavje Street Art Festival, May Salon, Medieval Days, Kamnik, Mediterranean International Folklore Festival (MIFF), Mladi levi Festival, Muzifest International Festival of New Music, Open Flatusss Festival, Ljutomer, Open House Slovenia Festival, Pixxelpoint International Festival of Contemporary Art Practices, Politically Incorrect Film Festival (PI-FF), Seviqc, Slovene Radio Festival, Slovenian Caricature Festival, Snowdrops and Primroses Festival, Spider Festival, Summer Stage Festival Ruše, U3 Triennial of Contemporary Slovene Arts, ZIZ Festival, ČrnFest
{{Article | status = WRITING TOPROOFREAD NIFERTIK! | maintainer = Anže Zorman }} {{Infobox | name = | local name = | logo = | street = | town = | map = | telephone = 386 (0) | fax = | email = | website = | telephone = | fax = | founded by = | founded by 2 = | founded by 3 = | founded by 4 = | organised by = | organised by 2 = | organised by 3 = | managed by = | managed by 2 = | managed by 3 = | published by = | published by 2 = | published by 3 = | opening hours = | frequency = annual | dates and duration = | festival dates = 2015 – 2015 | contacts = {{Contact | name = | role = | street = | town = | website = | email = | telephone = | fax = }} | accounts = }} {{Teaser| [[]] was launched in [[established::]]. }} ==External links== [[Category:Festivals]] [[Category:Music festivals]] [[Category:Music]]
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About the Editor
Helena Pivec, the coeditor, at Ljudmila, 2009
Since April 2009 the Editor is Helena Pivec.
She graduated from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana in history of art. She lives and works in Ljubljana, since 2000 as a free-lancer. She has been engaged in visual arts and theatre since 1990 (collaborated with Muzeum Institute, also Konj Puppet Theatre, co-curated exhibitions Urbanaria – art in the urban context (SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts, 1994–1997), Stereo-Tip – 1st edition of the City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts (1995), a site specific visual arts & sound installation A Map to Paradise from Ljubljana by Peter Greenaway at Ljubljana Castle (2000) and the I was Disappointed by Lara Croft – computer games imagery exhibition at the International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana (2009).
1993-2000 employed at the Soros Centre for Contemporary Art - Ljubljana & Open Society Fund Slovenia. 2002-2008 writer-researcher for the Slovenia Cultural Profile, a joint publishing project by Visiting Arts London, British Council Slovenia and the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia. Since 2009 co-editor of the and portals at the Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory.