Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi

From Culture.si

Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije New Delhi
A-5/4, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057
Phone91 11 41662891
Past events

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi was opened in 2002 as an official representative body of the Slovene Government in India. As independent states the two countries officially established diplomatic relations in 1992. The embassy provides consular assistance and promotes bilateral political, economic, and cultural relations.

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi is responsible for India, Bangladesh, and Nepal as well as Sri Lanka.

Cultural cooperation

Slovenia and India have not yet established a strong cultural cooperation. Nevertheless, the legal basis between two states was established with a bilateral agreement in the fields of science, education, and culture, signed in 2009.

Literature and performing arts

Several writers from Slovenia have made guest appearances in India in recent years (Brane Mozetič, Veronika Dintinjana, Andrej Blatnik, Suzana Tratnik). In this respect, the embassy cooperated with Sahitya Academy in Bangalore and with the National Centre for Performing Arts in Mumbai when they hosted author Evald Flisar at the Fourth Mumbai International Literary Festival.

Film, visual arts and architecture

The embassy strongly supported screenings of films from Slovenia at various venues across India. In 2013 the short documentary One Sight by Miha Kalan was shown at the Tiger Pawn Sports Film Festival in New Delhi. The same year the embassy supported screenings of Dual by Nejc Gazvoda at the 44th International Film Festival of India in Panjai, Koyaa – The Extraordinary at the International Children's Film Festival India in Hyderabad and Good to Go by Matevž Luzar at the 15th Mumbai Film Festival.

The embassy was also involved in presenting a lecture by Boštjan Vuga entitled the "Production of Publicness" and screenings about Stožice Stadium from the series Small and Smart: Contemporary Slovenian Architecture on Film, at the InCite Gallery in Bangalore.

Music and intermedia arts

In 2013, during the event Sounds of Slovenia, musicians Janez Dovč, Boštjan Gombač, and Irena Preda performed in Mumbai and Chennai (India), and in Colombo (Sri Lanka). At the exhibition The Visual Identity of Slovenia – Designing for a State in May 2014, Slovenia's most popular musician Vlado Kreslin performed at the Sri Ram College of Commerce in New Delhi.

During Hackteria, an open-source biological art festival in Bangalore, the embassy supported the stay of artists Špela Petrič and Robertina Šebjanič.

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije New Delhi +
Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije New Delhi +
New Delhi 110057 +
A-5/4, Vasant Vihar +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi was opened in 2002 as an official representative body of the Slovene Government in India. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in New Delhi was opened in 2002 as an official representative body of the Slovene Government in India. +
+91 11 41662891 +
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