Logos Cultural Society (KUD Logos)

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Kulturno-umetniško društvo Logos (KUD Logos)
Vrtača 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Logos Cultural Society was established in 2001 by Christians of various creeds (Evangelical, Orthodox, Catholic) who wished to create and communicate beyond any institution or particular denomination in the liberated space open for various spiritual traditions and intellectual search for contemporaneity.

The concept

The aim of the Society is to unite the friends of the logos (meaning the word, thought and meaning, a place of senseful communication and word creation) in the space of meaningful communication and verbal creativity, of poetry and mysticism, of meaningful philosophy and music, visual arts and theology.

Publishing activity

The KUD Logos book series are published in several editions: Book Series, Poetry, Collectanea, Special editions, musical edition Orpheus novus, Acta comparativistica Slovenica, and electronic editions.

Since 2001 KUD Logos has published more than 30 books, among them art history and art theory books (Studies in Iconology by Tine Germ, Art and Religion by Jožef Muhovič, Marjan Pogačnik's Chronicles by Milček Komelj) and translations of music theory (John Cage, Camille Saint-Saens, Olivier Messien), literature and philosophy (Rilke, Hoelderlin, Hugo, Certeau, Vattimo).

KUD Logos' library is available online and covers the fields of literature, philosophy, religion, spirituality, music and visual arts. The order and distribution of KUD Logos editions is managed by Buča Bookselling and Publishing. Since 2001 the Society has published Philologos Magazine.

See also

External links

[[Category:Literature event organisers]

Logos Cultural Society was establishedLogos Cultural Society was established in 2001 by Christians of various creeds (Evangelical, Orthodox, Catholic) who wished to create and communicate beyond any institution or particular denomination in the liberated space open for various spiritual traditions and intellectual search for contemporaneity.d intellectual search for contemporaneity. +
Logos Cultural Society was established in Logos Cultural Society was established in 2001 by Christians of various creeds (Evangelical, Orthodox, Catholic) who wished to create and communicate beyond any institution or particular denomination in the liberated space open for various spiritual traditions and intellectual search for contemporaneity.d intellectual search for contemporaneity. +