Northern Primorska Regional Development Agency Ltd

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Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Severne Primorske Nova Gorica d o o
Mednarodni prehod 4, Vrtojba, SI-5290 Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia,
Phone386 (0) 5 330 6682


Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Severne Primorske Nova Gorica d.o.o. +
SI-5290 Šempeter pri Gorici +
The Northern Primorska Regional Development AgencyThe Northern Primorska Regional Development Agency was established as a limited liability company by the municipalities of the region, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Northern Primorska and the Nova Gorica Regional Chamber of Crafts.he Nova Gorica Regional Chamber of Crafts. +
The Northern Primorska Regional Development Agency was established as a limited liability company by the municipalities of the region, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Northern Primorska and the Nova Gorica Regional Chamber of Crafts. +
Šempeter pri Gorici +
SI-5290 +