Contents brings you a comprehensive overview of the arts and heritage in Slovenia. Its main aim is to facilitate the international cooperation and promote major international culturalv events in Slovenia and abroad.
Featured content
Featured content is written by our staff and focuses on the actual issues in cultural production and policy.
Lists offers numerous topic lists.
A portal is an introductory page for a given topic. It complements the main article of the subject by introducing the reader to key articles, images, and categories that further describe the subject.
Arts or Heritage?
All about the current states either in contemporary arts or in the field of heritage.
Which specific art or heritage?
Choose from nine art disciplines or three major heritage fields.
Timelines are lists of articles organized chronologically.
- Which was the first cultural institution established in Slovenia? indices
Alphabetical index
- A-Ž index — sorted by the first letter the title. It includes all articles published on this wiki.
Categorical indices
Production or Resources?
Are you looking for partners, knowledge or funding?
Regional index
You can search culture in Slovenia by clicking on the respective region on the map in the left column.