PR stuff
- Mailing lista za userje (na katero damo vse kontakte)
- Upload logo box with text: NO LOGO AVAILABLE. Do you have one? Please send it to us!
Urgent for beta
- Pasica in progress prava linka sta register in site:contribute
Strani z namespace Site itd. naj ne bodo podvržene iskalnikom (or as Jana says: Remove the camera from the Green room!)smart autofocus na search- popravi preusmeritev: s te strani About na About, ki je redirect na
Napis za nekončane clanke : "This article is in progress. Please, come back soon or Contribute!"
contribute = LINK to Register (provide information, upload image, or e-mail the editors)
- omogoci edit talk pejdzov za neloginane s captcha
- revizije extenzija
- edit Depot: namespace articles
- Ikona ali napis Contribute na koncu fertik člankov! - po infobox: "wrong info? click here!"
- Navodila pod urejevalno polje
Pod menu dodaj link na MKPospravi redakcijske straniNa Music in Museums se ne zlistajo vse podkategorijeCAPTCHA v registracijo (ali pa disable)- Dopolni splošne strani (
Urša Chitrakar, Irena Duša) - Novi template za portale (vstopna = OK, področni po 1 featured - slika levo)
- slika se narobe pomanjsa
- div.embed je treba skrit!
piwik- google (mitko je zadnjic ze naredil account za
Portal zemljevidek (levi in open street map) MSIE + barva- Nasloh preveriti delovanje v MSIE! = uradniški browser...
- source->"source contact" pri fotkah; zdaj se kazejo maili na WantedPages
pri koledarju zamenjat worldwide in upcoming- Gallery mora pokazat sliko za source ali location
- region v infoboxu mora biti link?
Text to be inserted
- Editing Talk (top)
You have reached the Talk page for the article indicated above. Please enter your comments or corrections in the editing window. When you have finished, add your signature by clicking the “signature” button in the toolbox (second from the right). Next, click on “save page” in the lower left. Once your contribution has been saved, it will appear on the article's “Talk” page, which you may access from the article's main page by clicking “Discussion”.
- Editing Talk (bottom)
Please enter only corrections or missing information related to the article indicated above. You may write in Slovenian or in English, however, English language is preferred, as it will help our staff to implement your changes more quickly. You can also contact the editors or upload photos and logos. Your contributions are very important to us and will help make an effective and informative portal. Your contribution or suggestions will be integrated into the text by the editors according to our house rules and article guidelines. If you need help with MediaWiki, check out these cheatsheet links.
Please note that the contributions to are considered to be released under the following terms. By publishing any information or comment on you affirm that you wrote it yourself, or copied it from a public domain or a similar free resource. Do not submit copyrighted work without permission!
Ne dela zemljevidek (oziroma SVG)- Menda ne dela openstreetmap
- URL-ji v address booku so predolgi in na desni mahajo čez rob (max-width ne dela)
- bullete v menijih modre ali sive (slike so ze v static)
- pri ikoni za RSS feed (npr na RecentChanges je pika prevec
- Na safariju je na linku na properties zelena pika prevec
- v clankih Images: zeleno -> sivo
- 1 px dodat na top in bottom v toolbaru cisto na vrhu strani
- Črte ven v člankih (primer) in kratkih spiskih (npr. kategorijah) + ne zeleni naslovi poglavij!
- svetlejsa zelena v top meniju
- Mac: zelena v logotu ni povsem prava
- hover highlight na levem menuju mora gledat horizontalno 4px cez rob (tako kot sivi menu spodaj)
- timeline izboljsat look
- na sirokih straneh h1 na celo sirino
- h2 v clankih sivi, brez crt
- h2,h3,h4 padding 2,8,2
- Infobox na townih
- clickable map na Slovenia
- Desni stolpec: History chart naj NE prikazuje podkategorij - primer: Producers, Venues, Festivals
- History chart je pocasen, popravi SMW result tabelo, da zgleda OK tudi brez history chart JS hooka
- Iskalnik naj dela brez šumnikov!
- Nastavit default time zono na Europe/Ljubljana
- Portal za monuments and sites
- Brez podcrtavanja linkov v menijih + bulleti
- Portal popravi spacing
- Fotke na adresarjih?
- What with events??
- auto-remove them from portals
- archive of old events
- PRINT opcija za članke; EXPORT opcija za imenike!
Velikanski Subcategories napis je moteč!Important web resources v balast na portalihSlika na File: strani mora biti siroka 576pxPopravi JS, da se nalozi z /en/ ne /wiki/Zemljevid v InfoboxMesta ne delajo na adresarjih
- Knofi v zgornjem meniju zgubljajo linke, Heisenbug! -Zocky uredil, it seems!
- vtipkaj v Searchbox: k6/4, in se čudi
- imamo kaj podobnega?