Impro liga

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Impro liga
Karunova 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 283 2288
Juš Milčinski, Head

Phone386 (0) 31 427 846

Improvisation first became popular in Slovenia following the production of Variete - the tradition of improvisation theatre by the Ana Monró Theatre. The company subsequently founded the Impro liga ('Improvisation League'), which later developed into the more complex Improvisation Society of Slovenia.

Impro liga is now one of several complementary projects run by the Society, and takes the form of a competition in short form improvisation for schools and other groups from the regions. To date the series has involved over 100 successful shows at KUD France Prešeren Arts and Culture Association and resulted in a number of guest performances across Slovenia and abroad (Berlin, Vienna, Seattle, Graz).

See also

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Impro liga +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Impro liga ("Improvisation League"), tImpro liga ("Improvisation League"), the Slovene competition in improvisational theatre, was formed in 1993, when Ana Monró Theatre, the initiator of improvisational theatre in Slovenia, challenged other impro theatre groups to join it in an improvisation competition.o join it in an improvisation competition. +
Impro liga ("Improvisation League"), the SImpro liga ("Improvisation League"), the Slovene competition in improvisational theatre, was formed in 1993, when Ana Monró Theatre, the initiator of improvisational theatre in Slovenia, challenged other impro theatre groups to join it in an improvisation competition.o join it in an improvisation competition. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +