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After years of efforts to form a consistent cultural, educational and entertainment programme in the Koroška (Carinthia) region, the Kompleks Youth Culture Centre (KMKC Kompleks) was finally established in 2006 by the Klub Koroških Študentov (Club of Carinthian Students).  +
The group (as well as the G.G.A.V.  +
Icarus in Sivan Omerzu's Prepovedane ljubezni (Forbidden Loves) based on classic motives.  +
The KONS Literary Award is an international literary accolade presented to exceptional authors whose stance and work have fostered social change and engagement, as well as contributed toward better conditions for artistic creativity.  +
Kontrada Festival was originally organised by KKM (Klub kanalske mladine) from 1996 to 2000.  +
Koper Brass Orchestra consists of young musicians aged around 16 years.  +
Originally established in 1948, Koper Grammar School launched a new Art Grammar School in 2000 with specialised programme in music and visual arts.  +
The event gradually dissapeared.  +
The Koper Music School today comprises a community of performers, composers, and educators at its headquarters in Koper and two subsidiary schools in Piran and Izola.  +
Koper Regional Development Centre was established in 1993 and acts as an institution on a regional level with the aim of promoting business and economy development in the coastal region.  +
Originating in 1911 as the Municipal Museum of History and Art (Museo Civico di Storia e d'Arte), the Koper Regional Museum is housed in the spacious early 17th-century Belgramoni Tacco Palace in the Koper city centre and covers the cultural heritage in the Primorska region.  +
Although the tradition of theatre in Koper goes back to the times of the Venetian Republic in the 15th century, the Koper Theatre is the second youngest professional theatre in Slovenia.  +
Named after Dr Franc Sušnik, who ran the library for the first three decades of its existence, Koroška Central Library performs the tasks of a regional library.  +
Koroška Multimedia Centre (MMC Koroška) was launched in early 2006 within the MKC Slovenj Gradec Youth Culture Centre.  +
The Regional Development Agency of the northern Slovene region of Carinthia (bordering Austria) was founded in 2000 as a limited liability company by 12 Carinthian municipalities, the National Agency for Regional Development (NARD), the Carinthia Regional Chamber of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS), the Regional Chambers of Crafts in Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenj Gradec, Dravograd and Radlje ob Dravi, the Entrepreneurial Centre Ltd Slovenj Gradec, Alp Peca Ltd Črna na Koroškem, and SCEPTER Ltd Vuzenica.  +
In 2002 twelve municipalities in the Koroška region of Slovenia signed an agreement to constitute the Koroška Regional Museum which merged the former museums in Slovenj Gradec and in Ravne na Koroškem.  +
Originating in 1962 as Radio Slovenj Gradec, Koroški (Carinthia) Radio was established in 1993.  +
The Kos Manor House, built around 1521 by Dietrichstein lords, is one of four so-called "ironworks" manor houses erected in the 16th and early 17th century by the owners of ironworks in Sava, Plavž, Murova, and Javornik.  +
Kosovelov dom was established in 1991 as a municipal public non-profit institution, a cultural centre for the Kras Region.  +
The origins of the Kosovel Library can be traced back to the establishment of the Readers' Association in 1852, though it was officially founded many years later in 1948.  +
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