
From Culture.si

Local (slovenian) name

string foaf:name (foaf | Friend Of A Friend)

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Konzulat republike Paragvaj  +
Konzulat republike Peru  +
Konzulat Republike Poljske, Nova Gorica  +
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Aarhus  +
Konzulat republike Slovenije Antalya  +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije v Aucklandu, Nova Zelandija  +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije Bangalore  +
Consulate of Slovenia in Belo Horizonte  +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije Betlehem  +
Konzulat republike Slovenije Breukelen  +
Consulado de la Republica de Eslovenia  +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije v Caloundra, Queensland  +
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Dresden  +
Konzulat Republike Slovenije Eisenstadt Konsulat der Republik Slowenien Eisenstadt  +
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Bad Soden  +
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Madeira  +
Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Gaziantep  +
Konsulat der Republik Slowenien, Graz  +
... more about "Localname"
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