
From Culture.si
Showing 20 pages using this property.
The [[Creative Europe Desk Slovenia]] was established in January 2014 a new information and advice service to promote Creative Europe (2014-2020), the new EU programme for the cultural and creative sector, replacing the former Cultural Contact Point Slovenia and the [[Media Desk Slovenia]].  +
The [[Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Service, Ministry of Culture|Cultural Diversity and Human Rights Service]] prepares expert materials, proposals and recommendations related to the area of minority group cultural policy.  +
Set in a 19th-century mansion, the [[Cultural Garden Katzenberg]] is located on the grounds of a former gun powder facility in the town of Kamnik.  +
The [[Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry of Culture|Cultural Heritage Directorate]] is responsible for governance tasks in the field of cultural heritage and monitors the development of the complex system of the protection of cultural heritage.  +
''[[Culture360.org]]'' is the only multidisciplinary arts and cultural online tool focused specifically on Asia and Europe.  +
The [[Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia]] is a body under the responsibility of the [[Ministry of Culture]] that oversees the implementation of legislation and other regulations and general acts relating to culture and media.  +
The [[Culture Association BSA]] (formerly Association Delavnica) was founded in 2006 and is a complex intergenerational educational centre for classical music located in Ljubljana.  +
Where is the celluloid ceiling for female film directors in Europe?  +
[[Culture.si]] collects information about upcoming cultural events and activities abroad, involving Slovene artists and researchers.  +
The transnational project [[Culture-Gates]]: Exposing Professional Gate-keeping Processes in Music and New Media Arts was undertaken in 2003 by ERICarts in partnership with Mediacult (Vienna), Finn-EKVIT (Helsinki), the Zentrum für Kulturforschung (Bonn), and the Observatorio das Actividades Culturais (Lisboa).  +
A worldwide network of networks for research and co-operation in cultural development, Culturelink embraces research, information and documentation centres devoted to cultural development and international co-operation.  +
On the portal Culture.si, one can find over 3,000 original articles on cultural producers, venues, services, festivals, and various collectives.  +
The migration of art, culture and heritage to the digital environment has become universal and omnipresent.  +
[[Culture.si]] offers information on Slovene [[:Category:Producers|cultural producers]], [[:Category:Venues|venues]], [[:Category:Festivals|festivals]] and support services, all in one place.  +
[[Image:Culture! poster.jpg|1280px]]<small class="imgdesc">Poster ''Culture!  +
The CUMULUS Network was initiated in 1990 by the University of Art and Design in Helsinki (UIAH) and the Royal College of Art in London, in co-operation with Danmarks Designskole, Gerrit Rietvelt Academy, Universitaet Gesamthochschule Essen and Hochschule fuer Angewandte Kunst in Vienna in order to enhance the quality of education through co-operation and student and teacher exchange within the European Union's Erasmus programme.  +
Operating since 2003, [[Cvetličarna]] is one of the biggest music venues in Ljubljana and boasts a colourful music programme that consists of mainstream rock acts, big metal bands, hip hop musicians, cover bands, and also various techno and dance music nights.  +
The film production company [[Cvinger Film]] focuses on short films, features and documentaries, also in co-production with partner companies mainly from the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia.  +
[[Cyberpipe]], established in 2000, is a cultural and [[M3C Multimedia Centres Network of Slovenia|multimedia]] centre focusing on open source and other free technologies.  +
DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) Stipends are facilitated by the German Government.  +
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