Week of Slovenian Drama

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Revision as of 11:00, 25 January 2018 by Anže Zorman (talk | contribs) (2018 date)


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Teden slovenske drame
Glavni trg 6, SI-4000 Kranj
Phone386 (0) 4 280 4900
Festival dates27.3.2018 - 10.4.2018
Past Events
  • 9 Mar 2024

    Germany München Residenztheater




    A performance of "Antigone and Trifold Life of Antigone - Antigona in Trojno življenje Antigone" by director Mateja Koležnik, adapting Sophocles's drama and Slavoj Žižek's specific reinterpretation of the myth and the drama. Produced by Residenztheater München in the scope of Week of Slovenian Drama.

    at the Week of Slovenian Drama

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Organised annually by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj since 1971, the prestigious theatre festival Week of Slovenian Drama presents the most successful performances based on a Slovene play or text and staged in the last season by Slovene theatres. The festival, which usually runs for nearly 2 weeks, concludes with a ceremony at which the Grum Award is bestowed on the best original Slovene play, the Grün-Filipič Award is awarded for excellence in dramaturgy. Two awards are given for the best staging of a Slovene play appearing on the festival: the Šeligo Award, decided by an expert jury, and the Audience Award, voted by the festival audience.


Besides showcasing national productions, the programme also includes presentations of international stagings of Slovene plays. Thus far, the festival has hosted performances from Austria, Japan, Monte Negro, Great Britain, Serbia, Slovakia, Luxembourg, etc. Prešeren Theatre Kranj works hard to further expand the international part of the festival by devising round-table conferences involving famous dramatists, experts on theatre, producers, and publishers.

See also

External links

... more about "Week of Slovenian Drama"
Teden slovenske drame +
March - April, 2 weeks +
13,14,15 (2012) 13,14 (2013) 13,14 (2014) +
27.3.2015 - 7.4.2015, 27.3.2016 - 8.4.2016, 27.3.2017 - 8.4.2017, 27.3.2018 - 10.4.2018, 7.3.2019 - 7.4.2019, 2.11.2021 - 15.11.2021, 27.3.2022 - 8.4.2022, 27.3.2023 - 7.4.2023, 27.3.2024 - 13.4.2024, 27.3.2025 - 9.4.2025 +
20,250,409 +
20,250,327 +
201213 +, 201214 +, 201215 +, 201313 +, 201314 +, 201413 +, 201414 +, 201513 +, 201514 +, 201515 +, 201612 +, 201613 +, 201614 +, 201713 +, 201714 +, 201813 +, 201814 +, 201815 +, 201910 +, 201911 +, 201912 +, 201913 +, 201914 +, 202144 +, 202145 +, 202146 +, 202212 +, 202213 +, 202214 +, 202313 +, 202314 +, 202413 +, 202414 +, 202415 +, 202513 +, 202514 +  and 202515 +
annual (2020 postponed due to COVID-19 situation) +
Teden slovenske drame +
SI-4000 Kranj +
Glavni trg 6 +
Organised annually by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj since 1971, the prestigious theatre festival Week of Slovenian Drama presents the most successful performances based on a Slovene play or text and staged in the last season by Slovene theatres. +
Visual identity for the 54th Week of Slovenian Drama, 2024. Author: Damjan Ilić (Grupa Ee) +
Organised annually by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj since 1971, the prestigious theatre festival Week of Slovenian Drama presents the most successful performances based on a Slovene play or text and staged in the last season by Slovene theatres. +
+386 / 4 280 4900 +
Kranj +
SI-4000 +
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