Felix Bookshops

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Knjigarne Felix
Cesta Kokrškega odreda 18, SI-4294 Križe
Phone386 (0) 4 598 0010

{{Teaser| Felix is a Slovene bookshop chain owned by Učila International Publishing House, which opened its first bookstore in 2002 along with founding the Felix Book Club. Felix has over 20 outlets located across Slovenia, in Ljubljana, Maribor, Nova Gorica, Domžale, Koper, Celje, Novo Mesto, and Kamnik, as well as an online bookstore.

Felix Bookshops are known for their wide selection of titles covering a broad range of topics and authors, in particular the pocket book series Žepna knjiga by Učila International. In addition to books from Slovene publishers, Felix also offers a rich variety of bestsellers and travel guides in English and German.

See also

External links