The Museum of Architecture and Design Library is a specialised library located at the museum in Fužine Castle. Its collection contains domestic and foreign monographs and periodicals from the fields of architecture, town planning, industrial and graphic design, and photography, with an emphasis on Slovene authors and works created in Slovenia.
Since the former Museum of Architecture Ljubljana became the caretaker of the Plečnik Collection, the library administers the extensive collection of publications on the architect Jože Plečnik. The library has grown largely through its own acquisitions, but a number of architects, designers and photographers have helped it along by donating their extensive collections.
The MAD library also runs a press clipping service that has been documenting coverage of the museum's areas of work in the Slovene press since its founding in 1972.
The library and reading room at Fužine Castle are open to the general public, though a prior appointment by telephone is preferred. Some materials are also available to borrow.
The library was founded side by side with the then Museum of Arhitecture Ljubljana in 1972 to focus on material from the areas of the Museum's extensive activities. At first the library was located at the Plečnik House at Karunova ulica 4 in Ljubljana. In 1992 most of the material was moved together with the museum to Fužine Castle, with only the Plečnik library remaining at the old address.
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