Lendava-Lendva Institute for Culture and Promotion (ZKPL-MPIL)
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, NEEDSUPDATE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, Article, NIFERTIK, INFOBOX, TOPROOFREAD, HAS MAP, Venues, Visual arts exhibition organisers, Exhibition organisers, Event organisers, Festival organisers, Puppetry event organisers, Music event organisers, Music festival and event organisers, Puppetry festival and event organisers, Articles maintained by Tonko Sekulo, Music venues, Concert halls, Exhibition venues, Theatre event organisers, Theatre festival and event organisers, Theatre venues, COVER, Cultural centres, Film festival and event organisers, Film event organisers, Puppetry festival organisers
Animateka International Animated Film Festival
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, Article, NIFERTIK, HAS LOGO, Festivals, Articles maintained by Ziga Brdnik, Film, Updated 2020, Film festivals, Workshops, Film workshops, Film courses, workshops and residencies, Updated 2019, Animation, Festivals in December, Animation festivals