Špas Theatre

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Špas Teater
Prešernova 25, SI-1234 Mengeš
Phone386 (0) 1 729 1234
Past events
  • 16 Dec 2012

    Italy Trieste/Trst Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste

    The 39 Steps, produced by Špas Theatre

Špas Theatre was established in 1997 as the first private commercial theatre in Slovenia when its inaugural production - a play by Joe Orton - was staged at Mengeš Cultural House. Špas Theatre collaborates with stage directors and professional actors from various Slovene theatre houses, including Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana, Slovene National Theatre Maribor, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Mladinsko Theatre. Its repertoire has included plays by Kovačević (The Balkan Spy), Agatha Christie (The Mousetrap), Camoletti (Boeing Boeing) and Ray Conney (Funny Money) as well as musical drama such as The Cat in the Boots, directed by Vito Taufer with text by Andrej Rozman Roza.

Špas Theatre offers a subscription series that includes its own productions as well as some guest performances from national theatre houses. Performances are staged in Mengeš but are also toured to other Slovene towns, most regularly at Vrhnika, Portorož, Žalec, Maribor, Krško, Zagorje and Bled.

Špas Theatre was awarded various prizes at the 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2005 Days of Comedy festivals, and its prize-winning performances were subsequently staged at prestigious national performing arts festivals such as the Borštnik Theatre Festival in Maribor and Slovene Drama Week in Kranj.

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... more about "Špas Theatre"
Špas Teater +
Špas Teater +
SI-1234 Mengeš +
Prešernova 25 +
Špas Theatre was established in 1997 as the first private commercial theatre in Slovenia when its inaugural production - a play by Joe Orton - was staged at Mengeš Cultural House. +
Špas Theatre was established in 1997 as the first private commercial theatre in Slovenia when its inaugural production - a play by Joe Orton - was staged at Mengeš Cultural House. +
Špas Teater je prvo zasebno komercialno gledališče v Sloveniji. +
+386 / 1 729 1234 +
Mengeš +
SI-1234 +
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