Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Barcelona



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Generalni konzulat republike Slovenije v Barceloni
Via Augusta 120, 08006 Barcelona
Phone34 93 725 07 21

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Madrid is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Spain. The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Barcelona was opened in 1995 to enhance the development of economic, cultural and tourism relations between the Catalan region and Slovenia. Slovenia has three consulates headed by honorary consuls in Sevilla, San Sebastián and Las Palmas.

See also

External links

Generalni konzulat republike Slovenije v Barceloni +
Generalni konzulat republike Slovenije v Barceloni +
08006 Barcelona +
Via Augusta 120 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Madrid is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Spain. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Madrid is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Spain. +
+34 93 725 07 21 +
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