Ljudmila - Ljubljana Digital Media Lab
Image editing
the article gallery text boxes are not updating with page refresh. I have added captions to all the images but none are showing on the article page.
several of the images are too small
Local info: several images have no date or photographer data.
I dont know the history of the "Ljudmila in lights" image.
perhaps someone can also check my caption and image data for the image Schema:ljudmila.rdf ...I dont know what this schema is for, or who by.
cheers--Ali 17:46, 8 March 2012 (CET)
Dodati še
- vpeljati novo društvo, nov članek? popraviti pri impressum / contacts / about C.si --Admin 14:33, 30 March 2011 (CEST)
*Program Prosto-vezje: http://www.ljudmila.org/dat/Prosto-vezje/
- AIR: druge rezidente prejšnjih let, http://wiki.ljudmila.org/index.php/Projekti
- morda preimenovati rubriko Software and online platforms v 'Products'? Dodati še info o slix (raje software nasploh) - glej http://wiki.ljudmila.org/index.php/Projects
VAL, http://www.ljudmila.org/dat/Video_Arhiv_Ljudmile/
--Admin 00:59, 17 May 2010 (CEST)
Hoj. Dodal sem funkcijo za računanje gauss-krueger koordinat. Gre tako:
{{#gk:y|zone|lat|lon}} {{#gk:x|zone|lat|lon}}
Zone za Slovenijo je 5.
Zocky 02:07, 11 May 2011 (CEST)