Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna

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Veleposlaništvo republike Slovenije Dunaj
Kolingasse 12, A-1090 Vienna
Phone43 1 319 11 60, 386 (01) 478 6572 (SLO), 43 676 620 4175 (emergency number)
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The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in the Republic of Austria. The embassy promotes cooperation and bilateral political, economic and cultural relations between Slovenia and Austria. It also provides consular assistance, together with the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Klagenfurt/Celovec and the consulates in Graz, Wagrain and Wörgl-Innsbruck.

In 2011 the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre (SKICA) was established in Vienna as a dislocated unit of the Embassy to integrate Slovene creativity in the field of arts and culture as well as science and research into a cultural milieu of the city of Vienna and broader.

Cultural Cooperation

The legal basis for cooperation is the Agreement on Cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Education and Science between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Austria signed in 2001. The first five-year programme for the period 2003–2007 was adopted under the Agreement. The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna participates in organisation of a range of cultural events, the role of the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre (SKICA) in Vienna being crucial.

Regional and cross-border co-operation

Slovenia and Austria successfully cooperate within the Regional Partnership (Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland), Central European Initiative, the Danube Cooperation Process and the Alps-Adriatic Working Community. Slovenia and Austria cooperate within the Operational Programme Slovenia-Austria 2007–2013 (the European Regional Development Fund).

A complex cross-border cooperation project at municipal level is the Cross-Border Municipal Working Community Dežela pod Peco – Petzenland, with nine municipalities taking part (5 Slovene municipalities). The project includes also some cultural tourism projects.

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo republike Slovenije Dunaj +
Veleposlaništvo republike Slovenije Dunaj +
A-1090 Vienna +
Kolingasse 12 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in the Republic of Austria. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in the Republic of Austria. +
+43 1 319 11 60, 386 .01. 478 6572 .SLO., 43 676 620 4175 .emergency number. +
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