Depot:Information Office of the Council of Europe



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Informacijski urad Sveta Evrope
Rimska 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 421 4300

The Information Office of the Council of Europe (COE) has collected and translated extensive information on the COE – its role, activities, achievements, and development – and on the European Court of Human Rights.

The library of the COE information office provides access to a range of important documents, publications and conventions (cultural policy, culture and regions, cultural heritage, European film production, language issues, etc), while the website features the COE news and related current events in Slovenia.

The Office organises book presentations, panel discussions and other events relating to the activities of the Council of Europe.

See also

External links

Informacijski urad Sveta Evrope +
Informacijski urad Sveta Evrope +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Rimska 16 +
The Information Office of the Council of Europe (COE)The Information Office of the Council of Europe (COE) has collected and translated extensive information on the COE – its role, activities, achievements, and development – and on the European Court of Human Rights.and on the European Court of Human Rights. +
The Information Office of the Council of Europe (COE) has collected and translated extensive information on the COE – its role, activities, achievements, and development – and on the European Court of Human Rights. +
+386 / 1 421 4300 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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