Cankar's Library Vrhnika



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Cankarjeva knjižnica Vrhnika
Tržaška 32, SI-1360 Vrhnika
Phone386 (0) 1 755 3114

Cankar's Library Vrhnika 2015 interior.jpgCankar's Library Vrhnika, 2015

Founded in 1958, Cankar's Library Vrhnika is a regional library and an information centre. In addition to its ongoing library activities, it runs a variety of events and educational activities for children and adults, including English lessons, music, dance, and fine arts workshops, weekly fairytale readings, new book presentations, and exhibitions by local artists. Reading club events are also organised with the aim of stimulating reading. The library has a special room dedicated to the first published works of Ivan Cankar (1876–1918), a fin de siècle writer born in Vrhnika. Ivan Cankar Library has a branch library in Borovnica. In 2014 the library moved to the new Vrhnika Cultural Centre in the renovated premises of the former IUV Leather Industry Vrhnika. The library incorporates some of the features of the former industrial sewing hall.

See also

External links
