Jožef Stefan Institute


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Institut Jožef Stefan
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 477 3200
Past events
  • 19 Oct 2021


    20 Oct 2021

    Belgium Brussels BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts

    The Future of Living, a two-day symposium on the theme of artificial intelligence, with Špela Petrič and Marko Grobelnik, Jožef Stefan Institute, participating, in the context of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU, in collaboration with the Slovenian Presidency and EUNIC Brussels


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Speculum Artium Festival 2013 Children visitors.jpgThe younger visitors of the Speculum Artium Festival watching a project set up by the Jožef Stefan Institute, 2013

The Jožef Stefan Institute was founded in 1949 and has since acted as the leading Slovene scientific research institute which covers a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. Its staff of about 850 specialises in physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear technology, energy utilisation and environmental science. The institute consults with acclaimed scientists within its International Advisory Board and is also a member of EARTO - European Association of Research and Technology Organisations.

Art and science

The Jožef Stefan Institute is also interested in the interface between science and arts, and dedicated its 2006 "Jožef Stefan Days" to the theme Science and Arts. The institute has collaborated on the development of technology-based artworks with the ArtNetLab, Academy of Fine Arts and Design and the Faculty of Computer and Information Science.

The Jožef Stefan Institute Gallery in the lobby of the institute's main building, however, has a more traditionally oriented programme, dedicated to Slovene fine arts.

Slovenian language resources and services

The Department of Knowledge Technologies takes care of the natural language server that hosts the majority of resources of the digital infrastructure of Slovenian and some other Slavic languages. It is also the home of the resources of the Slovenian branch of the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure consortium (

See also

External links


... more about "Jožef Stefan Institute"
Institut Jožef Stefan +
46.042 +
Institut Jožef Stefan +
14.489 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Jamova 39 +
The Jožef Stefan Institute was founded in 1949 and has since acted as the leading Slovene scientific research institute which covers a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. +
The Jožef Stefan Institute was founded in 1949 and has since acted as the leading Slovene scientific research institute which covers a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. +
+386 / 1 477 3200 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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