LokalPatriot Institute

From Culture.si
(Redirected from LokalPatriot, Novo Mesto)

LokalPatriot Institute 2016 Night programme Photo Janez Klenovsek (1).JPGNight programme at LokalPatriot Institute, 2016.

LokalPatriot is one of the liveliest cultural centres in Novo mesto. The original and inventive programmes presented here are conceived by a team of young and engaged local professionals.

Activities and venues

The Lokalpatriot Club operates as a bar, a cybercafé, and a reading room during the daytime, in the evening it turns into a venue for concerts, performances, literary events, cinematheque screenings, lectures, etc.

It also ran the Simulaker Gallery, an exhibition space which showcases all forms of contemporary visual arts. LokalPatriot organised the renowned Jazzinty International Music Workshop and Festival and Fotopub Festival of Documentary Photography, with their respective workshops for musicians and photographers, both representing an excellent opportunity for basic comprehension of the art forms.

See also

External links


... more about "LokalPatriot Institute"
LokalPatriot +
45.804 +
LokalPatriot +
15.17 +
SI-8000 Novo mesto +
Dilančeva 1 +
LokalPatriot is one of the liveliest cultural centres in Novo mesto. +
LokalPatriot is one of the liveliest cultural centres in Novo mesto. +
LokalPatriot je eden od najživahnejših kulturnih centrov v Novem mestu. Skupnina mladih in angažiranih lokalnih profesionalcev tu pripravlja inovativne kulturne programe. +
+386 / 7 337 4374 +
Novo mesto +
SI-8000 +
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