Depot:MKC Koper Youth and Culture Centre



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Mladinski, kulturni, socialni, multimedijski in medgeneracijski center (MKSMC)
Gregorčičeva 4, SI-6000 Koper
Phone386 (0) 5 627 1989

In 2014 the Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress had to move out of the building of the MKC Koper Youth and Culture Centre, accordingly this Centre's programme was cancelled, some activities of the Association continues at the Botegin Centre. Follow the to get acquainted about the further activies of the team who ran the Centre.

Archival article

MKC Koper Youth and Culture Centre was established in 1965. In the period 1991–2015 it was led by the Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress as a venue for alternative, subcultural and underground cultural, social and political public programmes. The center was referred to as MKSMC that stands for the Youth, Cultural, Social, Multimedia and Intergenerational Center.

Its large hall is a place for events, the centre's Poslušalnica (in English: "Listening Room") is open six hours each day. The centre incorporates the Mensa Numero Due Gallery, which hosts regular exhibitions of photography or conceptual works on paper (posters, comics, drawings, poetry).

The centre promoted cultural activities and collects and distributes information on education, employment, leisure activities, and culture for the growing youth and adult population, especially focusing on marginalised social groups.

Here new rock, hard core, and metal bands from Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented regularly. Concerts were also organised by the centre in other open-air venues in Koper or neighbouring towns. It co-operated with other Slovene clubs, e.g., AKD Izbruh from Kranj and KUD Rov from Železniki, and hosts the Club Marathon. M&KC artists and activists include: Igor Presl, Matej Kocjan (Koco), Ivan Volarič Feo, Dr. Marias Bela, Franci Blašković, Nikolaj Kopejkin, Marko A. Kovačič, and Franjo Frančič.

M&KC Koper Youth and Culture Centre engaged mostly in cross-border cultural exchanges and collaborations. It organised and hosted the Koperground Festival, a festival of independent and engaged international film, literature and music every summer.

Reports about the daily social, cultural and art happenings at MKC Koper were published regularly on the website.

See also

External links


Mladinski, kulturni, socialni, multimedijski in medgeneracijski center (MKSMC) +
Mladinski, kulturni, socialni, multimedijski in medgeneracijski center (MKSMC) +
SI-6000 Koper +
Gregorčičeva 4 +
In 2014 the Association of the Friends of Moderate ProgressIn 2014 the Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress had to move out of the building of the MKC Koper Youth and Culture Centre, accordingly this Centre's programme was cancelled, some activities of the Association continues at the Botegin Centre.Botegin Centre. +
In 2014 the Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress had to move out of the building of the MKC Koper Youth and Culture Centre, accordingly this Centre's programme was cancelled, some activities of the Association continues at the Botegin Centre. +
+386 / 5 627 1989 +
Koper +
SI-6000 +
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