Piranesi Magazine

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Gregorčičeva ulica 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 422 4740
Published byPiranesi Foundation

Published since 1992 by the Piranesi Foundation, Piranesi is one of the oldest architectural magazines in central Europe. Together with Piran Days of Architecture and the Piranesi Award, it has established itself as a fixture on the European architectural scene. Both Piranesi magazine and the Piran Days event were developed by the magazine's original editor-in-chief, Slovene architect Vojteh Ravnikar (1943–2010).

The visual identity of the magazine was created by Ranko Novak from DesigNovak, and current issues are designed by Domen Fras of the Aparat design studio.


Each issue incorporates a thematic block covering important architectural events in central Europe, along with news and information about international architectural seminars and workshops. In-depth interviews and evocative photography provide insight into bodies of work of renowned architects. The historical section is dedicated to the groundbreaking architecture of the first decades of the 20th century.

Piranesi magazine is distributed throughout Europe and in America, Australia and Japan. Articles are published in both the original language and Slovenian. Photos and excerpts from each issue are also available online.

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Piranesi +
annual +
Piranesi +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gregorčičeva ulica 9 +
Published since 1992 by the Piranesi Foundation, Piranesi is one of the oldest architectural magazines in central Europe. +
Published since 1992 by the Piranesi Foundation, Piranesi is one of the oldest architectural magazines in central Europe. +
+386 / 1 422 4740 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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