Depot:STOP Magazine Award

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Nagrada revije STOP
Dunajska 5, SI-1509 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 473 8151
Founded bySTOP Magazine
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The NKBM bank, the main creditor of Slovenia's biggest magazine publisher Delo Revije, sold the publisher's brands. In 2011 a total of 44 brands were auctioned off, including the brand of Stop Magazine, as well as a licence for the Viktor media award. In 2015 the Stop Magazine team established a new Vklop Magazine. See below the archival article.

Archival article

The STOP Magazine Award was introduced in 1991 at the 1st Slovene Film Marathon (which later became the Festival of Slovenian Film. The award is conferred by the Slovene entertainment magazine STOP. From 1991 to 1998 it was bestowed in two categories: Best Actor and Best Actress of the Year. In 1999 two additional categories were introduced, Best Supporting Actor or Actress and Best Promising Actor or Actress, which were granted till 2006. The awarded actor and actress receive substantial media coverage.

See also

External links

... more about "STOP Magazine Award"
Nagrada revije STOP +
Nagrada revije STOP +
SI-1509 Ljubljana +
Dunajska 5 +
The NKBM bank, the main creditor of Slovenia's biggest magazine publisher Delo Revije, sold the publisher's brands. +
The NKBM bank, the main creditor of Slovenia's biggest magazine publisher Delo Revije, sold the publisher's brands. +
+386 / 1 473 8151 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1509 +
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