Depot:Svobodna misel Magazine

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Svobodna misel
Einspielerjeva 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 434 2284

Archival article

Svobodna misel [Free mind] is a magazine for social, economical, political, historical, and cultural topics. The magazine has been published since 1992, it succeeded a former weekly paper TV-15, which was first published in 1963 and was proclaimed as a gazette of the League of Partisan Combatants in the National Liberation War during the Second World War.

The articles in the publication mainly cover historical and social topics, labour struggles, effects of economy on society, and the question of the partisan heritage. It also comments on the current political and social happenings in Slovenia and abroad. The supplement Novi Razgledi [New Outlooks] includes many in-depth articles on socio-economical, cultural and historical topics. The articles of the publication are partly available at their website.

See also

External links