Founded in 1998, the Library of the University of Nova Gorica is the only higher educational library in the North Primorska region. Its members first and foremost comprise students and professors, in addition to other users. With over 20,000 units and over 70 subscriptions to various journals, it mainly features materials for educational, academic, and research purposes and activities, from the fields of ecology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, commerce, Slovene studies, and viticulture. The library also features a reading room with 28 seats and computer workspace with 5 computers allowing users direct access to various databases, such as the Cambridge University Press, EIFL Direct, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Springer Link, APS Journals, EBSCOhost, ACS Publications, JSTOR, ORP-index and CREDO. The information on the holdings of the library is accessible on COBISS - Slovene Virtual Library.