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The Slovene Film Fund, founded in 1994, is responsible for allocating subsidies. The Film Fund places emphasis on products intended for release in cinemas and supports the production, distribution and promotion of short and full-length films, documentaries, animated films and video productions. Between 1995 and 2000 the Fund subsidised the production of 30 feature films and 56 short film projects. The recent data are available at the website of the Slovene Film Fund.
The Slovene Film Fund has supported all films produced in Slovenia, and represents the main source of financing for Slovene film producers. Slovene producers can also obtain additional funds from the public broadcasting company Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia).
In recent years, Slovene film industry has produced around seven feature films each year. Approximately 150 Slovene feature films have been made so far, plus a few hundred documentaries and short films.
Slovenia has been a member of the European film fund Eurimages since 2000, and European co-productions are more and more common way of production.

Latest revision as of 02:06, 19 February 2021