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I'm afraid that just "art cinema" could be confusing for let's say experts since it refers to a wider notion of art cinema in general (art film, art filmmakers - what concerns the last term: it is best to write it as one word or two?). That's why I broach this subject. Actualy I was rereading the Kino Metropol article and I found this sentence
I'm afraid that just "art cinema" could be confusing for let's say experts since it refers to a wider notion of art cinema in general (art film, art filmmakers - what concerns the last term: it is best to write it as one word or two?). That's why I broach this subject. Actualy I was rereading the Kino Metropol article and I found this sentence
"After the opening of the first Celje multiplex cinema (here I changed the term cinema center with multiplex cinema - I hope it's OK) called Planet Tuš, the Metropol was converted into an art cinema theatre (as I recall here I changed "art cinema" with "art cinema theatre"). to shorten - it is not wrong but maybe it could be confusing.
"After the opening of the first Celje multiplex cinema (here I changed the term cinema center with multiplex cinema - I hope it's OK) called Planet Tuš, the Metropol was converted into an art cinema theatre (as I recall here I changed "art cinema" with "art cinema theatre"). to shorten - it is not wrong but maybe it could be confusing.
I forgot to add - I would prefer arthouse cinema.
lp, d
==Prioritetni seznam člankov: '''napiši do 1. februarja'''! + takrat tudi SESTANEK==
==Prioritetni seznam člankov: '''napiši do 1. februarja'''! + takrat tudi SESTANEK==

Revision as of 16:39, 19 January 2010

art kino

Pmam predlog, da bi spremenili in poenotili angleški zapis termina art kino - možnosti so: Britanci imajo raje repertory cinema (včasih tudi revival house, a ta termin označuje prej dvorane, kakršnih pri nas ne poznamo - tiste, ki vrtijo stare art filme), medtem ko Američani govorijo o arthouse cinemas. by Denis

Hi Denis, sitting here with Alenka and Helena...we are researching your question. Do you have specific instances where this occurs and where you need to discuss the term? It's helpful to look at examples. Tenx.
I would say that repertory cinema and revival house are not the terms that accurately describe what we want to say with art kino. My first association with those terms is with old films, never with new (contemporary) films, though I think that the term arthouse cinema can encompass both.
Interesting discussion here: http://www.filmreference.com/encyclopedia/Academy-Awards-Crime-Films/Art-Cinema.html and http://www.filmreference.com/encyclopedia/Academy-Awards-Crime-Films/Art-Cinema-ART-CINEMA-IN-THE-TWENTY-FIRST-CENTURY.html
On this page they also use arthouse cinema http://www.europa-cinemas.org/en/news/09_Ljubljana_MiniNetwork.php
So, I'd say either arthouse cinema or art cinema. What do you think? Jana Wilcoxen 14:50, 19 January 2010 (UTC)

I'm afraid that just "art cinema" could be confusing for let's say experts since it refers to a wider notion of art cinema in general (art film, art filmmakers - what concerns the last term: it is best to write it as one word or two?). That's why I broach this subject. Actualy I was rereading the Kino Metropol article and I found this sentence "After the opening of the first Celje multiplex cinema (here I changed the term cinema center with multiplex cinema - I hope it's OK) called Planet Tuš, the Metropol was converted into an art cinema theatre (as I recall here I changed "art cinema" with "art cinema theatre"). to shorten - it is not wrong but maybe it could be confusing.

I forgot to add - I would prefer arthouse cinema. lp, d

Prioritetni seznam člankov: napiši do 1. februarja! + takrat tudi SESTANEK

Februarja moramo na Ministrstvu za kulturo predstaviti naš napredek ministrici in vsem svetovalcem na Direktoratu za umetnost. Prosim, pospeši pisanje člankov, saj sta za tabo v vrsti še lektorica in končna redakcija.

Urednici sta ti pripravili prioritetni seznam 20 člankov, ki jih moraš dokončati do ponedeljka, 1. februarja.

V ponedeljek, 1. februarja ob 17. uri se na Ljudmili dobimo na sestanku vsi pisci in uredniki. Udeležba obvezna! --Admin 13:44, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

Videl ==prioritetni seznam člankov== in potrjujem udeležbo na sestanku.

Comments from Editor

re Infobox - cf. Discussion at Animateka International Animated Film Festival

Timezone popravek

Nastavitev pravilnega časa je popravljena - a vsak si jo mora zdaj nastaviti sam, ko je logiran.

Tako: My preferences (desni kot zgoraj, ob log-in) - Date and time - Use Server Default (Europe-Ljubljana) - Save Editor 21:56, 15 January 2010 (UTC)