Antara is a small, non-profit company with art cinema and sound production as its main interest. Since 1997, Antara has produced a number of films by internationally acclaimed independent film-maker and sound artist Andrej Zdravič, whose works, since 1973, have focused on the energies and spiritual aspects of natural phenomena.
Video installations
Zdravič's multi-monitor video installation "Secrets of Soča – Time Horizon" represented Slovenia at World Expo'98, Lisbon and has been, since 1995, a permanent exhibit at the Trenta Lodge TNP Information Centre and Museum.
His "Ocean Lava-Time Horizon" installation represented Slovenia at the Venice Biennale 1999.
Andrej Zdravič's film Riverglass (1997, 41') was screened in over 80 venues in 22 countries around the world - among others at the Bienal del Fin del Mundo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; at 48C Public Art Ecology Festival in New Delhi; in Zdravič's Film Retrospective at Antholgy Film Archives, New York, 2008; as well as on ARTE television and elsewhere.
Riverglass received a number of awards, including the Prešeren Fund (national art) Award, and was discussed in several books, among others in Framing the World - Explorations in Ecocriticism and Film, edited by Paula Willoquet-Maricondi,2010.