A still photograph from the full-length feature film Don’t Wait Till May (1957), Viba Film
The Slovene Film Archives (SFA) is the central institution for the storage and protection of the Slovene national film heritage. It is a part of the main state archival institution, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. The SFA was founded on the basis of the legislation that classified film as archival material. Over the years it has collected and then technically processed more than 90 per cent of all the films produced in Slovenia. Its main task is to register, collect, maintain and protect film material and to introduce it to the public. Its collection comprises fiction, documentary, scientific and animation films, trailers, newsreels, adverts, and industrial and training films. It also holds a collection of screenplays, stills, and posters. The majority of the materials are accessible on prior request.
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, NO LOGO, Film, Archives & Libraries, Archives, Film archives, Articles maintained by Denis Valič, National archives
GAMA meeting at SCCA Library, 2009
Established in 2000, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (a successor to the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, 1993–1999) is a generator of innovative programmes and services that facilitate artistic and interpretative practices. Its diverse activities address artists, curators, theorists, and critics in the fields of visual and new media arts. They trigger discursive and social practices and are rooted in the interdisciplinary approach and intense international cooperation. SCCA-Ljubljana divides its programme into four complementary areas: projects, video/archive, school and services.
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, Course organisers, Courses and workshops, HAS LOGO, Articles maintained by Editor, Funding, professional and support services, Visual arts, Support services, Visual arts producers, Visual arts exhibition organisers, Exhibition organisers, Visual arts support services, Research, Education and Research, Visual arts workshop organisers, Visual arts archives, New media art archives, New media art archives and libraries, Visual arts archives and libraries, Visual arts course organisers