Difference between revisions of "Template:Featured/Cover"

From Culture.si
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{{Billboard Culture.si intro}}{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Folkart - Lent - 01.JPG
  |img=File:Month of Design - 2010 - 04.jpg
  |link=Folkart International Folklore Festival, Maribor}}
  |link=Month of Design}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:All Shades of Green - Studiobotas - 04.jpg
  |img=File:Mediterranean International Folklore Festival - 06.jpg
  |link=Mediterranean International Folklore Festival (MIFF)}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Ne cakaj na maj - Slovene Film Archives - Photo Bozo Stajer.jpg
  |img=File:Glej Theatre - 06.jpg
  |link=Slovene Film Archives}}
  |link=Glej Theatre}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:35th Anniversary 01 - Celje Dance Forum - Photo Rok Trzan.jpg
  |img=File:International Centre of Graphic Arts - 08.jpg
  |link=Celje Dance Forum}}
  |link=International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:SNG Drama Ljubljana-01.JPG
  |link=KUD France Prešeren Arts and Culture Association}}
  |link=Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Velenje Castle - 01.jpg
  |img=File:Druga godba Ljubljana - 2008 - 09.jpg
  |link=Velenje Castle}}
  |link=Druga Godba Festival}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Šivec House Art Gallery - Radovljica Municipality Museums - Photo Miran Kambic.jpg
  |img=File:Folkart - Lent - 01.JPG
  |link=Šivec House Art Gallery}}
  |link=Folkart International Folklore Festival, Maribor}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Kosovelova knjižnica, Sežana.jpg
  |img=File:Mezica Lead and Zinc Mine Museum 02 - Photo Tomo Jesenicnik.JPG
  |link=Kosovel Library, Sežana}}
  |link=Podzemlje Pece, Tourist Mine and Museum}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Emona - 05.jpg
  |img=File:Metelkova Foto Hobit 3556.jpg
  |link=Emona, Legacy of a Roman City}}
  |link=Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Month of Design - 2010 - 04.jpg
  |img=File:Šivec House Art Gallery - Radovljica Municipality Museums - Photo Miran Kambic.jpg
  |link=Month of Design}}
  |link=Šivec House Art Gallery}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Maribor National Liberation Museum - 01.jpg
  |img=File:Apiculture Museum Krapje - 03.jpg
  |link=Maribor National Liberation Museum}}
  |link=Apiculture Museum Krapje}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:France Bevk Homestead - 03.jpg
  |img=File:Velenje Museum - mastodon - 10.JPG
  |link=France Bevk Homestead}}
  |link=Velenje Museum}}
{{Two columns
{{Two columns
|1={{Featured article column|Plesna izba - Maribor Dance Room}}
|1={{Featured article column|2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling}}
|2={{Featured article column|Franja Partisan Hospital}}
|2={{Featured article column|Idrija Lace Festival}}

Revision as of 02:22, 11 October 2011

2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling

The 2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling was born in 2007 out of the wish to cultivate and to promote storytelling in all its forms. It brings together two spheres of activity bound by their mutual aim to cultivate the telling of stories: Animateka International Animated Film Festival and the Radio Student programme Za 2 groša fantazije ("A Twopence of Imagination"). A significant part of the association's activities is dedicated to educational programmes for adults and children, as stories – be they in the form of film, written word, sound recording or live storytelling – should come to life and live on among people.

2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling (logo).jpg2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling logotype

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, NIFERTIK, Education, Education and research, HAS LOGO, Articles maintained by Ziga Brdnik, Film, NO PHOTO, EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes), Updated 2020, Film education, Film education and research, EU MEDIA funding recipient, Publishers, Event organisers, Festival organisers, Literature, Film course and workshop organisers, Literature publishers, Workshop organisers, Film workshop organisers, Literature event organisers, Literature festival and event organisers, EU Creative Europe, MEDIA funding recipient, Literature festival organisers, Animation, Film festival organisers, Film festival and event organisers, Film publishers

2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling (logo).jpg

Idrija Lace Festival

For centuries, the town of Idrija has been associated with mining and lacemaking as its trademarks. The Idrija Lace Festival has presented works of Idrija Lace (idrijska čipka) since the early 1980s. Every June, lacemakers show their creations in the streets of Idrija, lacemaking competitions and exhibitions are organized, and thematic lacemaking workshops are held. It is also possible to buy technical equipment for lacemaking and to view exhibitions of other folk trades and crafts.

This vivid festival is accompanied by international lacemakers' gatherings, workshops, demonstrations, competitions, concerts, and outdoor parties.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, HAS LOGO, Festivals, Festivals in June, Articles maintained by Admin, Intangible heritage, COVER, Mercury mining heritage, Intangible heritage festivals

Idrija Lace Festival 2007 Installation Photo Jani Peternelj.jpg Installation view at a contemporary lace exhibition, Idrija Lace Festival 2007. Author: Jani Peternelj