Difference between revisions of "Template:Infobox"

From Culture.si
Line 165: Line 165:
| label = Frequency
| label = Frequency
| name  = Freqeuncy
| name  = Frequency
| value = {{{frequency|}}}
| value = {{{frequency|}}}
| type  = text
| type  = text

Revision as of 15:42, 12 January 2010

Prekopiraj spodnjo strukturo v izvorno kodo članka. Pri Image vpiši samo ime slike.

| name               =
| image              = 
| street             = 
| town               = 
| website            = 
| email              = 
| telephone          = 
| fax                = 
| founded by         =
| founded by 2       =
| founded by 3       =
| organised by       =
| organised by 2     =
| organised by 3     =
| managed by         = 
| managed by 2       = 
| managed by 3       = 
| published by       =
| published by 2     = 
| published by 3     =
| opening hours      =
| frequency          =
| dates and duration = 
| contacts     = {{Contact
  | name        = 
  | role        =
  | street      = 
  | town        = 
  | website     = 
  | email       = 
  | telephone   = 
  | fax         = 
  | name        = 
  | role        =
  | street      = 
  | town        = 
  | website     = 
  | email       = 
  | telephone   = 
  | fax         = 
  | name        = 
  | role        =
  | street      = 
  | town        = 
  | website     = 
  | email       = 
  | telephone   = 
  | fax         = 