Culture from Slovenia World Map collects information about upcoming events and activities involving Slovene artists and researchers abroad. Since 2010 we have published around 2700 events in 78 countries. The Events/all/all/international archive of events can be filtered by year, country and discipline.
More about the sources, contribution, and the re-use of data you can find on
Culture from Slovenia Worldwide poster
In 2014 we have published a poster Culture from Slovenia Worldwide that features the cities round the world where Slovene cultural events took place in the year 2013. In that year more than 950 events took place in 64 countries: 230 theatre performances, 210 concerts, 260 exhibitions of visual arts and new media, 150 film screenings, 110 literary events, 78 dance events, almost 47 events related to design or architecture, many of them interdisciplinary.
Among all the events the 250 were co-organised or promoted by a network of Slovene embassies and consulates. The publication of the map was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
An interactive map of events
The online map is available at
The interactive world map allows for the filtering of events by year, country and discipline (e.g. theatre, visual arts, film, design, music, cultural heritage, etc.). Through clicking , the list of events in a certain city pops up, with basic data about the event, date and venue plus a link to the host's web page.