Translations of titles in the text
How to fix Slovene titles and their translation within the body of the text? e.g. Pekarna ('bakery'); revija Kreativni Klik ('Creative Click Magazine'); Likovne besede (in English: Art Words) Magazine; Stari Pisker, in English "Old Pot" -> Culture.si Manual of Style (MOS) --Admin 10:40, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
Cultural Profiles used this form Josip Pelikan Photographic Studio, Celje although Celje is not part of the official name (as opposed to Celje Museum of Recent History. We redirect? Admin 19:23, 13 December 2009 (UTC)
- Yes, we redirect to Josip Pelikan Photographic Studio. I think you've already taken care of this one, but just in case, will write the solution here in talk. Jana Wilcoxen 13:18, 5 January 2010 (UTC)
Slovenian/English names as titles, brands, etc.
jana, lep pozdrav. sprašujem in predlagam - kaj v primeru kot je tale Gorenjska Museum, Kranj. ali ne bi po logiki drugih prevodov (Slovenian Cinematheque, National Museum of Slovenia, etc.) pisali namesto Gorenjska Museum - Museum of Upper Carniola?, in potem: Dolenjska = Lower Carniola ... Primorski = Litoral ... predlagam namreč dosledno rabo: ali brand na ustreznem mestu v slovenščini ali natančen in uradno potrjen prevod Miha Zadnikar 12:01, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
- hi Miha, I haven't forgotten your question. Just waiting to discuss larger issue with the editors. I think we have to consider this case-by-case. I have the feeling that some organisations won't always apply to the rule. The regional names sound so odd to me in English (Lower Carniola, Litoral, etc.). Some organisations retain them in their English names, others do not. ... stay tuned for more instructions. For now, just keep the names as they have been. If you have an article which you think should be listed differently than it was in Cultural Profiles, please address the issue here on the talk page or on the talk page of the article. Jana Wilcoxen 13:18, 5 January 2010 (UTC)
pozdravljena jana: mi lahko poveš prosim, kako je z nazivi: Jih upoštevamo pri osebah v infoboxu ali ne? Kako kam se da Phd ali MA pred ali za imenom in kakšne so naše kategorije mag. dr. .... Ivan Pirnat 13:39, 10 December 2009 (CET)
- Hi Jani, ali lahko mi daš kakšene primere? Dr. gre pred imenom. PhD in MA za imenom. Za mag. dr....še ne vem. Pogovarjala se bom z urednicami v torek na sestanku, pa ti sporočim. Jana Wilcoxen 22:57, 11 December 2009 (UTC)
kako se nastavi spell check, da mi preverja črkovanje v wikiju. Ivan Pirnat 16:48, 10 December 2009 (CET)
- hm...kateri spletni brskalnik uporabljaš? v mozilli, treba instalirati slovar, right-click na besedo v tekstu (v oknu za urejanje, v katerem si nekaj napisal) in boš videl SPELL CHECK in LANGUAGES. pod LANGUAGES je več možnosti...
- za druge brskalnike, treba vprašati Zokija. vprašala ga bom in ti sporočim.Jana Wilcoxen 23:15, 11 December 2009 (UTC)
Pozdravi, imam eno vprašanje, ki mi ne da miru in tudi ne najdem razlage v slovarjih – delam trenutno arhive na culture.si – namreč: V angleščini obstaja beseda archive n – v ednini, vendar se večinoma, če prav razumem, uporablja v množini: archives. Do sem je OK, Vendar: ali se pl. Archives uporablja tudi v edninski obliki: Npr. the Archives of Republic of Slovenia is / are the largest in Slovenia . V robotu je namreč večinoma uprabljan edninsko… Mi boš močno olajšala, če mi zadevo razložiš… Najlepša hvala, Janez
- Hi Janez, archives takes a plural verb: Archives are, Archives contain ... and best to use always in plural. Hope that helps, Wikipedia has a little more to say about it if you still have some questions ... If I come across something else, I'll let you know. Ciao, Jana. Jana Wilcoxen 10:37, 15 December 2009 (UTC)
I found the expression for NOB as National Liberation Struggle is that right one? Is collection of poems right expression for zbirka pesmi. Ivan Pirnat 23:59, 16 December 2009 (UTC)
- jana, just a reminder - for the working pages that you create, please, use 'Site' in the name space: Naming conventions --Admin 14:54, 19 December 2009 (UTC)