Temporama Film Society

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Filmsko društvo Temporama
Litostrojska cesta 17, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Andraž Jerič, Chairman, Producer

Phone386 (0) 40 888 421
Past Events
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Temporama Film Society is a film production collective founded in 2012 by Andraž Jerič and Jerca Jerič with the aim of creating a platform and support environment for young filmmakers in Slovenia to help them bring their ideas to screen. As such, they offer classic organisational services and their own creative input before and during production, and search for funding and co-production assistance as the projects progress.


Temporama's early work focused on low- and no-budget shorts which they were nevertheless successful in placing at a wide range of festivals at home and abroad. Their breakthrough came in 2018 with the widely praised Posledice (Consequences, dir. Darko Štante), an intense LGBT drama set in a youth detention centre, which premiered at the Toronto International Film festival, went on to win ten awards, and was picked up by distributors in France, Germany, the UK, Ireland and North America for theatrical and SVoD release.

In November 2020 they joined Petra Pan Film Production and December Institute in receiving development funding from the spring 2020 round of the Creative Europe MEDIA programme. Noben glas (Neither Voice), a family drama set in 1970s Yugoslavia and slated for release in 2023, is the first feature film project from Ester Ivakič and Nika Jurman.

Selected filmography

  • Okrog obrnjen zrak (Reversed Air, short, production, dir. Ester Ivakič, 2020)
  • Biba (comedy short, production, dir. Maja Prettner, 2018)
  • Govorilne ure (Parent-Teacher Conference, comedy short, production, dir. Gašper Antauer, 2018)
  • Posledice (Consequences, feature-length drama, production, dir. Darko Štante, 2018)
  • Sotto (experimental short, production, dir. Ina Ferlan, 2016)
  • Srdohrd (fantasy short, co-production, dir. Ester Ivakič, 2016)
  • Zunaj (Outside, short, production, dir. Juš Premrov, 2015)
  • Schupakface: Genesis (short, production, dir. Gašper Antauer, 2014)

See also

External links

https://www.facebook.com/temporamasi/ https://bsf.si/en/organization/filmsko-dustvo-temporama/#pdf-gallery-1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8nXEcT04K0 https://cineuropa.org/prodcompany/358967/ https://ced-slovenia.eu/slovenija-ponovno-najboljsa-med-drzavami-z-nizko-produkcijsko-zmogljivostjo/

... more about "Temporama Film Society"
Filmsko društvo Temporama +
Andraž Jerič +
Filmsko društvo Temporama +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Chairman, Producer +
Litostrojska cesta 17 +
Temporama Film Society is a film production collective founded in 2012 by Andraž Jerič and Jerca Jerič with the aim of creating a platform and support environment for young filmmakers in Slovenia to help them bring their ideas to screen. +
Temporama Film Society is a film production collective founded in 2012 by Andraž Jerič and Jerca Jerič with the aim of creating a platform and support environment for young filmmakers in Slovenia to help them bring their ideas to screen. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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