Likovne besede Magazine
The issues focus on a theme (Arte-fact?, Women in Art; Microutopias; Views on Contemporary Slovene Art; Art and Time; Dreams, Psychoanalysis and Art ...) combined with regular formats such as Round Table, Interview, Contributions to the Slovenian Dictionary of Art Terms, and the Theoretical Supplement. The magazine features also exclusive notes by the artists (diaries, reflections, artistic pages).
Further bilingual publications
In 2009 the editors Nevenka Šivavec and Mojca Zlokarnik conceived Ljubljana Personal, Alternative Guide [Ljubljana osebno, alternativni vodič], a new bilingual book series within the Likovne besede magazine framework. Each book is written by an artist or art-related expert and provides an alternative city guide for Slovenia's capital. In the first two books published in autumn 2009 art historian Miklavž Komelj (City Within the City [Mesto v mestu]) and artistic tandem Estela Žutić and Gill Duvivier (Revolution Action [Revolucija Akcija]) participated. The guides in 2010 were written by Lucija Stepančič and Daniel Jewesbury.