Gorenjska Museum
- Uradno ime ni Gorenjski muzej, Kranj; temveč samo Gorenjski muzej. --premk
- Some severe but unsubstantial copy-pasting here! Check the director's word on the museum's web page. Sad.--Admin 21:09, 23 March 2010 (CET)
- Dont cry...
Morda kdaj tudi kakšna pohvala????????????????????????????????????????????????? Naj pomislim, ravno pred dvemi dnevi urejal članek Slovene School Museum, ki je bil v celoti prilepljen z njihove strani. Je takrat tudi kdo jokal? Kar primerjaj history!! Pa ko smo tri dni zabili za urejanje Slovene Ethnographic Museum. No tu tega očitna ne bo, ker tudi nimajo besede v angleščini!!! Hm, hm, hm.
- Za neosnovano pripombo se opravičujem, zgornja pa je tudi v nesorazmerju z opravljenim delom, imaš prav. Izjemoma sem odprla (in komentirala) še nelektoriran članek, ker kategoriziram vse 'top 20' članke vseh piscev za vsa področja, da bomo pridobili kar najbolj uporabne spiske. --Admin 14:20, 25 March 2010 (CET)
- Opravičilo sprejeto. Poanta moje jeze je bila, da vsi garamo. In kakšna napaka se, žal, prikrade. Ampak se trudimo. V bodoče takšne odstavke enostavno črtajte, pa je...--Janez Premk 15:06, 25 March 2010 (CET)
Comments from language editor
- added some branches back in that I noticed on their website but weren't included here.
--Jana Wilcoxen 15:59, 30 March 2010 (CEST)
- wrong, I left it out on purpose. Since Jan 2010 the two birthplaces as managed by local institute (see both articles!)--Janez Premk 16:08, 30 March 2010 (CEST)
- I think we should find a solution that names the roles of both Gorenjski muzej and local institutes. I understand what you are trying to show. But at the same time, both locations are listed on the Gorenjski muzej website. They in fact write: "The Gorenjski museum also oversees Prešeren’s birth place in Vrba and his house in Kranj. Dr. France Prešeren, the greatest Slovenian poet, following Matija Čop’s advice, started writing sonnets and romances." Would seem odd to totally leave it out. Perhaps here we can say exactly that, something to the effect: "Until January 2010, the museum oversaw ...". Kaj praviš? --Jana Wilcoxen 16:14, 30 March 2010 (CEST)
p.s. welcome back.