Postojna Culture House

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Kulturni dom Postojna
Ljubljanska cesta 4, SI-6230 Postojna
Phone386 (0) 5 728 0752, 386 (0) 31 371520

Located in the renovated former municipal office, Postojna Culture House opened its doors in 2001 offering a cultural programme of music and theatre performances by groups from Slovenia and neighbouring countries, including a concert subscription series for local audiences.

There is also a memorial room dedicated to local writer Dr Alojz Kraigher (1877-1959) which can be visited by appointment with the Notranjska Museum, Postojna.

The main hall with its 100 square-metre stage has 264 seats, while an adjacent room for seminars or parties can host up to 50 people. Both rooms are available for hire..

... more about "Postojna Culture House"
Kulturni dom Postojna +
Kulturni dom Postojna +
SI-6230 Postojna +
Ljubljanska cesta 4 +
Located in the renovated former municipal Located in the renovated former municipal office, Postojna Culture House opened its doors in 2001 offering a cultural programme of music and theatre performances by groups from Slovenia and neighbouring countries, including a concert subscription series for local audiences.t subscription series for local audiences. +
Located in the renovated former municipal Located in the renovated former municipal office, Postojna Culture House opened its doors in 2001 offering a cultural programme of music and theatre performances by groups from Slovenia and neighbouring countries, including a concert subscription series for local audiences.t subscription series for local audiences. +
+386 / 5 728 0752, 386 / 31 371520 +
Postojna +
SI-6230 +
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