

Local (slovenian) name

string foaf:name (foaf | Friend Of A Friend)

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Mednarodna zveza likovnih kritikov (AICA), Slovenija  +
Association international des arts plastiques (AIAP)  +
International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art (IKT)  +
International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts (SIBMAS)  +
International Association of Literary Critics (AICL)  +
International Association of Music Information Centres (IAMIC)  +
Mednarodno združenje glasbenih knjižnic, arhivov in dokumentacijskih centrov  +
International Association of Sound Archives (IASA)  +
Mednarodno združenje gledaliških kritikov (IATC)  +
Association Internationale du Théâtre pour l’Enfance et la Jeunesse (ASSITEJ)  +
International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ), Slovenia  +
Mednarodni bienale sodobne glasbe Koper  +
International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY)  +
Mednarodni center lutkovne umetnosti Koper  +
Mednarodni grafični likovni center  +
Mednarodni trienale keramike Unicum  +
Mednarodno zborovsko tekmovanje Maribor  +
Mednarodno tekmovanje pihalnih orkestrov v koncertnem igranju  +
Confédération Internationale des Sociétés Musicales (CISM)  +
International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC)  +
... more about "Localname"
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Has type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.